[16] Oct 7, 2022 - Friday 17:58 [33]

223 15 0

| University

I walk into the classroom... and, oh... Jisoo is here too, sitting near the window. I smile at her and she does the same as she sees me.

I sit next to her, in the same row.

"Hi, Lisa. Do you have this class too?"

"Yeah, me and Rosé, but since she only has this class today, she always comes late."

She chuckles.

Rosé walks in, engrossed in her phone.... and flinches surprised when she looks at us.

I chuckle and she sits next to me.

"Hi, Rosé," Jisoo says, and I move a bit backwards since I'm in the middle of them.

"Hi..." she smiles and starts to place her laptop on the table without looking again in our direction... wait... is Rosé flustered...? And I'm witnessing it...? I press my lips.


The class ended and actually was not the worst... with Jisoo with us, we solved the problems even faster. She still has some difficulties, but when she catches on... she got even better than us, who just looked at the problems like two idiots.

A girl walks towards us and eyes Rosé.

"Are you ready to go?"


"You forgot...? We had a date..."

"Ah-no-no," Rosé starts to get up. I look at Jisoo, and she doesn't seem to be bothered by it, but still, with her full attention on both of them. Hmm.

Rosé bids us goodbye, and Jisoo and I do the same to her.


Jisoo and I already left the room too and we are walking side by side down the hallway.

"I didn't know Rosé was dating someone."

"Oh, she's not... it's just a date."


"Are you dating someone?" I ask.

She laughs.

"No. You?" 

I laugh even harder.


"But you like someone?" she looks at me with that serious gaze again. 

I gulp.

"No... you?" I stare at her to see if I can read a slight reaction.


We stare at each other in silence... and we both start laughing.

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