[24.3] Oct 31, 2022 - Monday 22:21 [57]

262 16 0

| Party's House

Jennie went to the bathroom, I still don't see Rosé and Jisoo... so I'm just staying here... standing... a little lost, not gonna lie...

I can't stop thinking about that new sensation Jennie gave me in my stomach... is that... what people like to call butterflies...?

I chuckle and smile while looking at my arm.


It's a sweet way to see it. But I know it's probably just anxiety eating me up from the inside... but just a new high level... which is great... new records being achieved, yeorobun... just great...


I see Nayeon walking in my direction.

Omo, is she... coming to me?

She is... thank you! A person that I actually know.

Since Nayeon told me she liked me, I feel her more comfortable around me, as if a weight has been lifted from her, and I like to see her like this... happier... I think a certain person is also the reason for this happiness... but I'll be here, in silence, on my corner watching my ship rise...

"Hi, Lisa."

I smile.


"Is there anything new you want to share?" she smirks.


Is it?

"You and Jennie started dating, right?"

"Ohhh, ah-ah, it's complicated. I-I'm-not sure but--"

"You not sure?!" she laughs and slaps my arm.

I chuckle, she does this a lot. I swear I always get out of the class I have with her with my arm marked, poor Jeongyeon...


Jennie appears behind me which almost made me jump scared. She places herself next to me and grabs my hand again.


"Hi, Jennie. You guys look really cute together... since I met Lisa, she--"

I signal her to not continue, hajima, don't do it...! Ya! Nayeon...

"... Ah..."

"She what?"

"Ah-ah, she... oh, omo, I forgot. Momo and Sana are waiting for me. I have to go, sorry guys," she laughs and disappears into the crowd.

Jennie breathes out deeply.

"Why are you flirting with other girls...?!"

Me flirting with someone? I'm sorry, I can't help it.

I laugh.

"I was not."

"Hm... do you know Momo or... Sana?"

"Hmm, no..."

I know sometimes my brain is a bit distracted, so memorizing people's names is not my biggest strength... which leads to... very... very awkward situations...

"... Why...? Should I?"


Prepare... I have to prepare... for future me not fuck it up... and I already lost Nayeon out of my sight.

"Maybe I know their faces, can you tell me where they are?"

"No, if you don't know, you don't..."

"Oh come on, just tell me. Please..."

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