[59.2] Mar 5, 2023 - Sunday 15:56 [181]

156 17 0

| University Library

I am already sitting with Jennie at the furthest table, in the corner of the library. I am positioned closer to the window, while Jennie is beside me and there are only bookshelves behind us.

We are going to work on our project and them on their own stuff. I don't believe this reunion will be really productive but let's hope for the best...

They still didn't come and Jennie is fixated on the only guy within our line of sight.

"He barely sees us..." I complain.

"Shh... you were the one who said no bathroom..."

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I don't want to make--"

Jennie starts to kiss me.

And breaks it right after a few seconds, leaving me numb with parted lips...

"It was deep enough...?" she smirks.



Jennie grabs her phone.

"... Jisoo is already here, I'm going to meet her at the parking lot. We'll come back soon," Jennie says hastily as she gets up and starts to go.

"Ah... oh-okay..." I say to myself... because she already walked away in a hurry, disappearing through the bookshelves around us.


*bag is thrown to the top of the table*

I look up from my laptop. It's Rosé.

"I thought I was late..." she says.

"Oh... you are," I chuckle.

She looks at Jennie's stuff.

"Jisoo is not coming...?"

"She is with Jennie, they will come any minute now..."

She sits on Jennie's chair, moves away her stuff, stretches her arm and lays her head on it, looking at me.

"... How was your date last night with the octopus boy...?"

"Great... he really has an octopus tattoo on his back..."

"Hm... you seem thrilled about it..."

She sighs.

"... Did you finally talk with Jisoo?"

She nods no annoyed.

"... You guys really stayed like these for two weeks...? Wae? Rosé, I said you to text her at least..."

"And I said she's not talking with me too! Why do I have to be the one to always send a message first...? This is for you to see the truth...! She never took even our friendship seriously... now that I don't try to be with her... she doesn't care and doesn't try to be with me..." she says annoyed, almost pouting.

"Rosé... ya, you being unfair with Jisoo... you suddenly pushed her way... you act cold with her now... that is also not friend's treatment... and I still see her acting as she always did to you... like you are still her favourite person to pick on..."

"... You guys were unbearable and... impossible together... but... I never saw you guys apart either... as long as you guys could, there were you two ready to pick on each other, get mad, reconcile, and do it all over again... and suddenly you just blocked her out... Rosé... did you consider that you are hurting her too...?"

"Why we don't talk about you and Jennie...?" she says and smirks, changing the subject. Argh...

"... Even better... about you guys first time...?"

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