[79] Sep 4, 2023 - Monday 08:49 [365]

105 14 0

| G. Entertainment Building

♪ [ ~ Cornelia Street - Taylor Swift ~ ]

"Rosé, come on... please hurry, let's not get fired on our first day..." I whisper into my phone against the wall in the lobby.

"Ya-ya, I'm already here..."

I look back and breathe out as I see her.


I enter the office.

"Hi, Lisa, right?" a man asks smiling.


"I'm Bambam. Please, no need for formalities, we are actually the same age. I'm in charge of assisting you with whatever you need, and helping you get through the mess that sometimes this office becomes."

I chuckle and nod.

"... This is your desk," he points to a desk at the end of the office next to a window.

"... And... your friend, Roseanne. I'm also supposed to help her out these first months... but I lost her... do you know where she is?" he asks confused.

"Ah, they were showing us... the bar and the cafeteria on the first floor... I went up, but she stayed with that group..."

"Oh, okay," he smiles and starts to go.

I chuckle and sit on the chair desk.


Rosé comes over, talking with Bambam, and he points to a desk next to mine.

Rosé walks towards me and sits.

"They were not lying... all those snacks are really free..." she says amazed.

I chuckle.

"... What day is it?" she asks filling up the contract.

"September 4..."

It's been one year...

"Ya, you still wear that ring...?" 

I move my hand sneakily under the table ignoring her.

"... Lisa, you need to move on... she's married..."

"I know. I barely think about her... it's just a ring..."

"Did you talk to the cafe girl again?"

"You mean the girl you invited to sit with us... and then you suddenly had to go... no..."


"Did you get over Jisoo too?"

"Ah-no... but it's different..."

"How so?"

"Aish, she's avoiding me, but once I catch her... I'll make her change her mind..."

"I just talked to her last night, I don't think will be that easy..."

She gasps.

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