[97] May 22, 2026 - Friday 17:23 [1356]

100 14 0

| Street Outdoors

"Rosé... where are we? Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Mhm, I'm sure. This was what your aunt sent..."

I look confused around, to the stores on both sides of the street... and... my aunt is near one... with wedding dresses in it... jisoos... I'm this close... to regretting accepting her help... but she is my aunt... and I have Rosé too... how bad this can go...?

"Hi, honey... you're late... I already picked up some dresses for you to try... go give them a shot."

Yup... how bad can it go...? Bad... bad...


"Miss Han Sohee, Lisa doesn't--"

"Go try them, and I and Rosé will wait... you can refuse each one of them... just try them on... do it for me, okay?"

I breathe deeply... and start to go. A man and a woman start accompanying me inside.

I grab the curtain and enter the dressing room...


My eyes get automatically blurry...

They are not dresses...

For some maybe this wouldn't mean much... but for me... she's not just telling me that I can wear a suit... but she will help me choose one to marry the woman I love... it means a lot...


I get out... and Rosé widens her eyes smiling in shock.

My aunt nods and signals me a thumbs up... help. I chuckle smiling at her...

"I like it too, gomo..."

"... Gomawo..."

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