[44] Jan 12, 2023 - Thursday 20:53 [130]

169 16 0

| Residence

♪ [ ~ TEST DRIVE - Joji ~ ]

I open the door of my fridge.

"Hmm..." I close it.

"Aishh..." I open it again.

You're not even hungry. Go back to doing the fucking exams...


What if... if I take a shower? I will study much better, I'm sure... I just need to clear my head... again...

Bro... we have been taking three showers a day...


I breathe deeply and sit again in my desk chair.





[Jennie: Do you want to review notes together for tomorrow's exam?]

[Jennie: Or... if you can't look at this anymore like I can't... we could do something else together to clear our minds]

I breathe deeply.

I may not have been the best person to Jennie since Jisoo's birthday... I'm barely replying to her messages... but I don't really know what to say when she suggests that we could hang out alone.


[Jennie: I know you always get headaches studying]

[Jennie: I read an article that said kissing can relieve the pain, something related to the way it dilates blood vessels and reduces blood pressure]

[Jennie: You don't want to volunteer for me to test it?]

I chuckle.

She acts like what is happening between us is so normal...

What does she want from me...?

Why does she want me to agree to be together, to be with her, only for her to dump me right after...?

Because, when she can't be with him... she wants to be with me...

Wow... putting it like that... I don't know why I'm stressing so much about this... is obvious what I am to her...

She doesn't want to tell lies...

But... I don't want to be a fucking test drive either...

A test drive for her to feel alive and have fun as she waits for the ride that she really wants...

Our sanity is not at its best already... if I accepted this... I don't think I could handle whatever I would feel once she marries.

Damn, I don't even know how I will handle it now...

I breathe deeply.


[Jennie: I'm just kidding]

[Jennie: But let's do something together]


[Jennie: I haven't seen you for more than a week]

[Jennie: We are just a few meters away from each other]

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