[41] Dec 31, 2022 - Saturday 15:22 [118]

156 13 0

| My Aunt's House

I grab my backpack at the door. I turn around.

"Before you go, take this," she hands me an envelope... and... I already know her...

"I don't need it, gomo..."

"Take it, or I'll be mad at you...!"

I breathe deeply.

"Thank you..."

"And are you sure you don't want to stay for New Year's?"


"It's a formal party, so you would need a dress... but I can give you one and help you with your make-up."

"Girls don't need to wear a dress to be formal."

"I don't want you looking like a boy there."

I breathe out.

"Either way... I really can't..."

"You used to wear them... and you would look so beautiful in a dress..."


"And you still choose to look like a homeless boy all the time."

I chuckle.

"Okay, I'll go... thank you for everything, gomo..."

She crosses her arms, leaning against the door.


"Bye, Mr. Soo!" I bid him goodbye and he returns the gesture, smiling too.


♪ [ ~ YO VISTO ASÍ - Bad Bunny ~ ]

I know Rosé is with her family. Jisoo is with hers too, and since I don't want to ask Jennie what she's doing... I don't know... but... she's probably... yeah...

I'm just thinking of spending New Year's alone... is not that big deal to me or the first time, and I prefer this to my aunt's party with people I don't even know. She never has much time to be with me anyway, and I don't want her to worry about it. Plus, I don't need to wear anything I don't want to in my own apartment... me liking girls, she is like 70% cool about it but the idea of me liking to dress more androgynous... to be honest I don't know even what to call it... it's just my style and it also depends on my mood, so honestly... being alone, watching series, eating whatever and doing the fuck that crosses my mind... I'm happy with my own plans...

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