[24.2] Oct 31, 2022 - Monday 20:07 [57]

289 16 0

| Party's House

The party is at some fancy house that the students' organization rented. At least it's at one of the points of the road of the residence, so no car accidents for me tonight...

I find Rosé waiting for me at the entrance of the house and... I can't. I start laughing hard as soon I see her.

"What's that?" I ask.

"What?! I'm an angel!"

She's wearing a white dress and even has little white wings on.

"You? An angel?"

She slaps my arm.

"For putting up with you, I must really be!"

I chuckle.

She starts to analyze what I'm wearing too. She smirks.

"... My child looks handsome..."

I tried to wear Catra's suit... if you know you know, but nobody at this party will know, so if you know... we might be the only ones.

I know I might look more like Adora in some aspects, but Catra is my favourite character.

I'm basically wearing a dark burgundy suit, with a lighter button shirt, a loose bow tie almost matching the suit colour... that is attached to my shirt so it doesn't fall off, but nobody needs to know that detail... and oh, I'm wearing black boots. I also painted my nails black... I'm kinda proud, not gonna lie... I didn't end up... horrible... I think.

"... Is the girl you like coming... hmm?"

I laugh.

"I did this for me, okay?!"

"You didn't say no..." she smirks.


[ ~ iT's YoU- ZAYN ~ ]

As I enter the house, jisoos... there are too many people... arghh. I hate being touched by strangers. My eyes roam the place and don't rest looking for someone... because I can't stop myself from looking for her... and...


There she is... talking to other people. I stand frozen, looking at her from afar, with people passing between us and some bumping into me.

She's wearing the outfit that she... really didn't think or worry about, not at all. I smile. A tight black dress and... her bare shoulders. I think I'm going to pass out. And the fuck bear ears. For what Jennie? For what?! She's so cute and at the same time so...

I chuckle and breathe out.

I'm so gay for her.

I bit my lip.

No matter how crowded this shit is... I only want to look at you.

"Let's go! Why you're not walking?!" Rosé says behind me and pushes my back to go forward.

Please don't! Don't make me get closer!

I'm crying inside.

I just want to scream... I changed my mind, home, I want to go home!

Rosé comes to my front and I just stay still. She impatiently grabs my forearm and pulls me through the crowd in their direction.

I'm going to die...

She gets closer and throws me to them, to Jennie's side.

I gulp.

Jennie looks silently at me and I see her eyes scan me down and then up.

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