[100] Sep 23, 2028 - Wednesday 16:04 [2211]

355 18 4

| River's Road

"Jennie, where are we going?" I ask, looking at her as she walks on the riverside and I hold Chitthip's tiny hands as she goes on my shoulders.

Jennie smiles at both of us while she holds Mateo's hand, who's walking in the middle of us.

"It's a surprise... Jisoo and Rosé must be already there..."

"Hm..." I pout annoyed, and Jennie smiles with my annoyance.


"We are here..." Jennie says...

"This is..." I look at the panel in front of the gate...

"Ne... it's a playground... for adults too... it opened here... I thought you would like it..."

I smile at her...

"I do..."


I'm staying in line to buy our tickets... I turn around... and see Rosé and Mateo playing with each other, Jennie giving Chitthip to Jisoo.

Even after Jisoo and Rosé got married, they say they are not thinking of having kids... and... they may never have them... or maybe they will... but I do know... they are the greatest, most special aunts...

I wish I had found my people sooner... but maybe if I did... I wouldn't be the same person right now... and I like my person... I don't want to change her... I just want her to be better...

She once believed that she would never be capable of enjoying life... and even though she said a lot of times, things will never change... she never was really capable of letting go of hope... 'cause the world slowly showed her that life is not that bad if you are honest and let yourself find who you really are... be who you want to be...

Don't let labels like masculine or feminine put you in a box... I'm none, I'm both... and I love each part of it... the days I dress in sweatpants and a hoodie... it doesn't make me less feminine... and definitely won't mean anything about how I should act... fuck the old conventions and what others say you should be... and just be you...

Life doesn't make sense until you feel free and worthy to give yourself one... one that you want to live... you are worthy to give yourself that...

And sure... I would like things didn't have to happen in a certain way... life could be a little more uncomplicated... but everything led to me... valuing the love that I can feel for myself and for others as much as I know I do now... because it's rare... it's beautiful... it's colourful... it's a feeling that... outstands everything else...

It's a feeling worth living for...

I wanna spend every single day loving... and make sure they know I do... because that's what changes everything...

I know... everybody says it... so I'm sorry to be that person too... but... if you love someone... make sure they know they are loved... 'cause sometimes life could be a lot more bearable if they don't think they're alone... just show them they are not...

♪ [ ~ Nervous - Nick Jonas ~ ]

As for me, for example, I like to annoy Jennie by saying I love her as much I can... every single day... 'cause she's the love of my life... and if there's something out there... I hope they let me keep loving her... 'cause, as long I can... it's her... it will always be her...

I get the tickets and... I look behind again...

I see Jennie smiling at me...

My gorgeous wife walks in my direction... so I walk towards her too... finding her midway...

"Missed me?" I ask.

She chuckles smiling.

"... I love you, Jennie..."

"You are so annoying... let me see the tickets..."

I chuckle.

"Mhm," I kiss her cheek and give them to her. I place my hands in the pockets of my black jacket and stay looking at her.

She stops analyzing them... looks up at me... and rolls her eyes.

"Aw... come here... I love you too..." she holds my arm, lifts a bit her tiptoes and gives me a kiss...


We break it, she keeps staring closely at me and...


She places her hand on the pocket of my jacket and starts to intertwine our fingers...

She chuckles...

"... And you still get nervous... after all this time... how much time already has it been... like--"

"Two thousand two hundred eleven days... just... six years and nineteen days..."

She chuckles smiling.

"You can stop counting them... you'll always be nervous around me... you're an idiot..." she says, raising her eyebrow to tease me.

I chuckle and nod that I agree.

She looks at the pocket with our hands... and I feel her intertwine even more tightly our fingers... 

She looks back at me and...


Is just too much for me when she does this... when she stares at my eyes... with her... soft brown eyes...

"... My nervous idiot..."

The End

... of this chapter... and I can't wait to live all the next ones by your side... with no dot at the end... but three dots... which... as I'll write them... I want to be very clear and differentiate them from the previous ones I wrote... these last dots... mean... forever.


"You gave me a home and a family."

- Shrek.

"She's his first, and he chose her to be the last love of his eternal life. As well as he is to her." ~ Jennie is Lisa's first, and Lisa chose Jennie to be the last love of her eternal life. As well as Lisa is to Jennie.

- Goblin.

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