[36] Dec 20, 2022 - Tuesday 10:21 [107]

232 18 0

| Residence

I woke up and Jennie was still asleep, so I didn't wake her up and got ready.

I lie on the bed next to her again.

I move one of the strands of her hair, that is on her face to behind her ear. Aishhh... her face... uwu.

"Jennie... I'm going to grab something for us to eat for breakfast..."

"Mhm..." she keeps her eyes closed.

"Do you prefer to go eat outside?"

She nods no with her eyes still closed.

"... Do you want anything in specific?"

She nods no again.

"... You're allergic to something?"

She chuckles with her eyes still closed and nods no again.

"... Okay..."

I rub my thumb on her full cheek... ahh, I just want to bite it.

"... I will be right back."



I enter our-what the fuck... my... my apartment.

You say such... argh... jisoos.

I enter the bedroom. She is already in new clothes, grey semiformal pants, a white top and a green cardigan... but still lying on my bed.

I jump onto my side and she opens her eyes. Finally... she allows me to see her eyes.

"You decided to sleep again?" I chuckle.

She looks at me silently.

"... Do you have any headaches?"

She nods no.

"... Hmmm..." I start to get up.

"... The food--"

She grabs the collar of my sweater and pulls me down to the bed again.

"... Is-is on the kitchen..."

I lie down again on my pillow, but her hand is still grabbing my sweater's collar.

I look at her hand.

"... Jennie..." I chuckle.

"... What are--"

She pulls it tighter, moves her head closer and--


I can feel her lips crush... on top of mine...

Her face... 

I close my eyes.

I-I can't react.

The tight pressure of her lips against mine and...

How she lets them go as she pulls away...

My mouth stays open.

As she breaks our contact, I open my eyes and stare at her.

She just kissed me?! I received a kiss?! From her?! It was so fast but... she did it, right?

My heartbeat is so loud that it echoes throughout my whole body.

She also opens her eyes and stares at me softly.

Is that red in her cheeks...? I can't breathe.

She looks at my lips still parted, and I look at hers too.

Humm? (jenlisa romcom gxg)Where stories live. Discover now