[34.2] Dec 19, 2022 - Monday 00:57 [106]

200 17 0

| Christmas Party's House


[Jennie: Where are u?]

[Lisa: In a room upstairs]

[Jennie: ...]

[Jennie: ]

[Jennie: With someone?]

I chuckle.

[Lisa: Alone..]

[Jennie: Where is the room?]

[Lisa: The last one in the hallway]


♪ [ ~ I Won't Mind - ZAYN ~ ]

A few minutes went by and... Jennie enters the room. Why am I smiling like an idiot? Stop, you're angry at her, remember? Ohh, yeah.

I laugh.

"Oh-oh, please lock the door..." I ask.


"I-I forgot to lock it again and people keep getting in."

"Oh... okay..."

She starts to analyze every inch of the room.

I chuckle.

"I said I was alone..."


She enters the balcony and looks at the rails and then at me.

"Are you planning to jump again?"

I roll my eyes and smile.

"So they told you...?"

She chuckles.

"Mhm... can I sit?"

"Well, depends. Are you going to snap at me again?"

"I'm still figuring that out."


She sits next to me, on the floor and puts her legs also outside the rails through the holes.

I look at her, smiling. It's like I feel free to admire her 'cause I'm not stopping myself from doing it. Hehe...

"You look too smiley... should I be worried...?"

I chuckle tiredly.

"I may have drunk more than I should..."

She looks at the bottle next to me.

"You drank that whole bottle?"


"Okay, now I get your face."

"Hm..." I smile widely at her.

"You gonna hm me all night?" she asks.


She chuckles and looks at the ashtray on the corner.

"You smoked too?"

I chuckle.

"That's definitely not mine, I never smoked."


"Ah-I don't really like the idea of giving an excuse for life to fuck me even more."

She looks at me silently.

"Something happened because of it?"

"Nah... that wasn't even the reason, there wasn't a reason at all..."

Humm? (jenlisa romcom gxg)Where stories live. Discover now