[18] Oct 11, 2022 - Tuesday 15:42 [37]

233 17 0

| Residence

It's already afternoon and since I didn't have classes or anything urgent to study I'm playing on my laptop. I have an extra monitor so I almost... but just almost... feel like a gamer.


[Jennie: My apartment or yours?]

I chuckle.

[Lisa: I said we could text, not meet...]

[Jennie: You suck at texting...]

[Lisa: Well, I'm considering not even talking to you right now]

[Jennie: We don't need to talk at all]


[Jennie: What are you doing?]

[Lisa: Just playing on my laptop]

[Jennie: So you're home]

[Jennie: Good to know]



I breathe deeply and walk over to my door.

Please universe, give me strength.

I open the door, and there she is... with her comfy clothes again... I just love seeing her like this... she's wearing a dark grey sweater, with a brown bear face in the middle, and black sweatpants.

She takes off her slippers at my entrance and starts analyzing every inch of my living room.

This will be good...

"So... you actually like cartoons," she laughs as she looks at my posters of Bubbline, Catradora and Lumity.

I chuckle.

She keeps exploring the room and now is like she is looking for something with a confused face.

"... Lisa..."

I'm starting to get confused too.


She looks at me with furrowed eyebrows, analyzing me.

"Did I just enter an apartment of a sociopath?"

"What?! Ah-why?!"

"You don't have a single photo of yourself or anyone else."

"Oh..." I chuckle.

"... That... and that's not true! Look... there's my old cat," I smile looking at my cat.

"Lisa, that's a cat..."

"He's not just a cat! He was important to me, okay...?" sometimes he was all I had... I was there for him and he was always there for me too... all my childhood... we kept each other company... and now he's gone... I miss you so much, buddy...

"... Lisa, are you... crying?"

"No!" but I might would if you weren't here looking at me...

"Why don't you have more photos?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"I just... don't..." 

She chuckles.

I feel more comfortable not having photos of anyone, even of myself. I don't know... they feel like a reality check... and I'd rather not have those... besides, it's easy to go to fake scenarios... but... it's not even just that... I just like to be reminded of what really made me happy... made me see the world more colourful, gave me hope... made me want to stay... things that I love... and don't bring any bad feelings attached to them... because when I wake up and look at them... it brings me peace... even if they aren't many, I feel grateful that I still have them... and yes... fictional characters, my cat and that's mostly it...

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