[28] Nov 14, 2022 - Monday 10:38 [71]

207 17 0

| University

Another week has passed, and everything is still the same. We are again in this silent game, not exchanging looks or words with Rosé and Jisoo in the middle of us.

"Rosé?" Jisoo starts.


"Are you sure your type doesn't include dark hair, nerds with a stupid sense of humor?" she smirks.

"Ahh, I-"

Jisoo laughs and points discreetly with her hand to a row in front of us.

"That guy. He is in my class and asked me for your number. Is it okay to give him?"

"Ohh, ahh... mhmm, sure."

Jisoo breathes deeply.

"Thank god!" Jisoo starts to type something on her phone.

"Oh, wait, you will give him now?"

"He is annoying me to death, now you put up with him," Jisoo smirks at Rosé again.

The boy turns his head to us and smiles.

I give up trying to understand these two... or people in general.

How do people randomly ask for someone's number and send a message like is nothing...? Social people are weird...


The class ended and Jennie left without even saying goodbye to me... she explicitly said it to them... fuck... fuck... fuck.

Tell me again... this is helping me how? My heart is in more pain than it used to be...

The view of her leaving and disappearing hurts me so much that I froze every time, trying to capture every moment of her walking away until... she's gone.

The thought of her may be mad at me breaks my heart into million pieces.


| University Library

♪ [ ~ Romeo & Juliet - Peter McPoland ~ ]

Like I did the other week, I went to the library and sat at this same table. And this time I finally started reading, something for real. I read on my phone 'cause this book doesn't exist here for sure. I'm already finishing the seven chapter.

I have never read much as a kid and I really thought I hated reading, but one day I read romance and... yeah... doesn't matter the gender of who the persons are for me... is just the feelings... because... I don't care if Jennie thinks is childish... no matter how old I get... part of me will always see love... with kid eyes... and... in our love story... it was stupid of me to think... we could ever have a happy ending...

I chuckle alone.



I breathe deeply and look at the window next to my table.

When will this feeling go away...?

Distance from her is not really doing anything... I just miss her... more and more...

Jisoos... you today are too depressive. Let's just go home.

Okay, I-I--

*chair in front of me being pulled*

A girl sits in front of me out of nowhere, almost giving me a heart attack.

She opens her laptop and starts typing.

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