[32] Dec 5, 2022 - Monday 10:04 [92]

219 17 0

| University

I enter the room. Rosé, Jisoo, and Jennie are already in the back, sitting in that order.

I get near Rosé and hand her an envelope.

She furrows her eyebrows.

"It's just for you to read."

Rosé looks amazed at me, with her eyes wide open.

I go in and sit at the end, next to Jennie, bidding them good morning.

Rosé opens the envelope without letting Jisoo see it as if it is a precious thing.

I chuckle.

"What is it...?" Jennie asks me whispering.

"Don't worry, is nothing..."

Rosé takes out the paper.

[Good morning stupid :)]

"You're stupid...!"

Jisoo and Jennie see it too. Jisoo laughs and Jennie just nods in disbelief looking at me.


The class ended and Jennie is waiting for me at the door... I'm trying to not smile like an idiot but is hard.

I get up and walk in Jennie's direction.

Rosé and Jisoo are next to the door too.

"Can we go now?" Jennie asks me and I just nod yes.

"Oh, you guys are going together?" Rosé asks.

"Mhm," Jennie says.

"It's about time..." Jisoo says whispering but she obviously knows we can hear her. Rosé slaps her arm and Jisoo complains.

"Okay, we are also going... bye, guys," Rosé says and links her arm with Jisoo's.

"I don't remember agreeing to go anywhere with you," Jisoo says confused.

"You said you would go with me to that new restaurant!"

"I said one day, you meant today?"

"Yes... why? You can't go?"

"I was going to--" 

Rosé pulls back her arm and starts slowly wandering her fingers over Jisoo's shoulder.

"We can go wherever you want after..." she says... hm...

Jisoo smirks.



"I think I already know where to take you..." Jisoo says in the same flirtatious tone that Rosé is using.

Jennie and I look awkwardly at each other and back at them again.

"... We can go to that game store, right...?"

Rosé takes her hand off Jisoo's shoulder and sighs annoyed.


Jisoo chuckles.

Rosé grabs Jisoo's arm again and they bid us goodbye.

Jennie and I chuckle as we watch the two of them walk away with their arms locked and already bickering with each other.

Jennie moves her hand in my direction but stops right away and starts to stretch her wrist in the air.


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