[53] Feb 12, 2023 - Sunday 09:51 [161]

178 15 0

| Residence


[Jennie: I'm already outside at the entrance]

Already...? Fuck...

[Jennie: Do you need help?]

[Lisa: I'm already going down]

After a few things...


| Road that starts at the Residence

I just took two more minutes... I'm still not Rosé...

I walk to the parking lot... and I-

Jennie is against her car and as I walk closer to her, she moves her black sunglasses a bit down.

I-I I'm gay...

Close your mouth.

I cough.

Wait... a sunflower stitched...

"Is that my sweater, the one you stole from me?"

"My sweater... but yes."


She enters and I put my stuff in the backseat. I enter on the passenger side and look around inside the car.

I knew she was... let's say... not poor... and I'm joking but... I do feel extremely poor right now...

"Is this really your car...? Because if you're robbing banks and don't invite me... rude..."

She chuckles.

"It's not mine, mine... my father's company offers him cars and my parents said that they want me to have this one."

"Oh, that's cool... remind me to apply for a job there..."

She chuckles, puts her hand on my seat and looks back as she drives the car backwards...

I... the amount of times I'll have to force myself to close my mouth today...

I'm gay...

"... You know you don't have to put your hand here?"

"I know... I just thought I would look hot doing it."

"Ah, you ah... you looked... hot... doing it..." since I know she's engaged... using that word feels a bit wrong again...

She chuckles.

"You haven't even been inside for a minute and you're already flustered..."

I look away from her, to my window.

"Is ah... hot the air..." I press the button to open my window.

*sound of a window going down*

But... is her window that's going down... 

Jennie looks at me and I look at her, confused.

"Jisoo must have been playing around, programming my car again..."

I chuckle.

Jennie presses some buttons on her side and my window starts to open.

"... You can breathe fresh air now... because of the... hot... air... inside the car, of course..."


I change my gaze to my window again, that... is going down.

Yep, still going...

She chuckles.

I look at her... one of her hands on the wheel, her black sunglasses, her moving her head to feel the wind on her face through her hair...

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