[19] Oct 14, 2022 - Friday 19:41 [40]

230 15 0

| University

Rosé has not been able to keep her mouth shut during the entire class, she has been telling Jisoo and me all the gossip she has known since we have been together.

I act unbothered, but I actually love it.

Jisoo is attentively listening to her, but even when I break my unbothered face and chuckle at Rosé's statements, she remains silent carefully hearing her. It's too much what Rosé sometimes says. I can't.

She starts rambling on about people I don't know.

"Rosé, I don't even know them," I say.

"You never know anyone...! I hate telling you things," she complains annoyed.

"I don't know them either..." Jisoo says.

"Bu-but you, it's okay... she's the one who's been here for five years and doesn't know a soul...!"

"Hm," I hm annoyed.


Eventually, Jennie and her not, not boyfriend is the subject... Jennie doesn't really talk to me about him... but according to Rosé, she is pretty sure that they will get back together, that it will only take a few days, and Jisoo seems to agree.

And fuck! Good for them! Maybe this way Jennie will stop wanting to spend so much time with me! Stop looking for me to be with her. Stop giving me... her... attention... I never cared about anyone's attention... but... hers...

I didn't see Jennie since that night, and I am actually thankful. I don't know how I will look her in the eyes after... after I stared at her... craving her li-fuck. What did I say all day?! Stop thinking about it!

I breathe deeply and shake off my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" Rosé asks.


"We don't do that...!"

I chuckle.

"I'm okay."


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