[45.2] Jan 13, 2023 - Friday 11:02 [131]

196 15 6

| Road to Residence

♪ [ ~ This Love - Camila Cabello ~ ]

Jennie is walking in silence which is scaring me even more... I like silence... but I fucking hate silent treatment by her when she's obviously mad.

"You are not going to say anything...?" I ask.

"Oh, you want me to talk?!"


She stops walking so I stop too.

She stares at me in silence with an angry face.

She starts to close her fists.

My shoulders automatically shrug in protective mode.

She sighs and starts walking again.

I. Yes. Breathe deeply. 

I catch my breath again and follow her.

"... Jennie... you can't be seriously this mad at me because of Sana."

"Oh, I can't?!"

"What did I do wrong then?"

"You are sober now, and you still let her do whatever she wants."

"Go ahead and tell me why I have to tell her to stop?"

"If you really liked me... you would tell her to stop!"

"You don't like me! Wtf Jennie! This is just a joke to you, my feelings are a joke to you! So why can you be with others and I can't?!"

"I am never with... X... in front of you!" 

"But when I'm not there, you are, so wtf is the difference?!"

"I don't want you near Sana!"

I chuckle.

"Too bad... I don't take your orders!"

"If you like me, stop speaking to her!"

"You're getting so angry and possessive for what?! You're the one who's literally with others, and it's not just a fucking innocent kiss or a hand on a thigh, isn't it?!"

"Fuck you..."

I clench my jaw.

"... And stop yelling at me here..."

I breathe out and look at the people of the park staring at us.

Why she's acting as if I hurt her by saying that... wtf... what was the lie...?!


| Residence

The doors of the elevator close.

She presses the button of the elevator in silence.


"Not here!"

I breathe out and lean against the wall of the elevator.

I was not going to yell...

The elevator opens.

She walks to her door and opens it.

"I don't--"

She grabs my sweater and pulls me to her door.

"... Jennie, stop. Let's go to my apartment instead then..."

"What? Why?"

She pulls me harder to make me enter but I don't let her pull me.

"I don't want to be here."

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