[60] Mar 6, 2023 - Monday 10:01 [182]

154 15 0

| University

"Heading to class?" Sana asks me in the middle of the hallway.


She starts walking by my side.

"What's up?"

I look at her, up and down almost closing my eyes.

"... Yes you and Jennie, come on, tell me you have something..."

"Damn... Sana, you are asking me this every day now. You have proven yourself enough... as our number one supporter, cool--"

"I want my recognition after."

I chuckle.

"Sure. But you are stressing me out by keeping asking me this, you almost sound desperate for me to change Jennie's mind..."

She sighs.

"Speaking on the devil..." Sana says as we reach the room.

Jennie is sitting at her usual seat looking at us in a serious mood...

"Good morning..." I say as I sit next to her and Sana sits next to me.

"Morning," she says not looking at me.

"Jennie, can I talk to you after the class..." Sana says... I move my back against the bench, looking at both...

"I can't."

"Good morning, class," the teacher says as he enters the room.

"Jennie, I really need to talk to you..."

"I can't and the class started."

Sana sighs and opens her laptop.


Jennie is in a state... where she's not mad at me... but she wants to be... so she's just deciding to be mad at the whole world...



She looks at what I just did in her notebook, back at me and pulls it to her.

[ʕっ•̀ᴥ•́ʔっ               ]
[ ▔▔▔▏                ]
[                ▏<( 'o' )> ]

I chuckle and grab my pencil.

[ʕっ•̀ᴥ•́ʔっ♡          ]
[ ▔▔▔▏                ]
[                ▏<( 'o' )> ]

She raises her eyebrows and...

[ʕっ•̀ᴥ•́ʔっ♡           ]
[ ▔▔▔▏                 ]
[                ▏<(˵'o'˵)> ]

I press my lips and look away from her.


"Thank you for staying ten minutes more... even to the ones that already packed their things... see you, next class."

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