[61] Mar 20, 2023 - Monday 00:21 [197]

166 16 0

| Residence

I throw my phone onto my bed... she's not been answering my messages since she went to her parent's house... I thought I had managed to buy us more time... but I think I was wrong...

I sit on my bed's edge... she came today... when I went to get my mail downstairs... I saw her car parked... and also... her getting in X's car... this time, she didn't came to see me first before... like every Sunday night... before she goes to stay with him...

I clench my jaw and let my upper body fall on the bed.

I can't fucking understand shit of what's going on in her head...



♪ [ ~ when you're drunk - LANY ~ ]

Hm... I flinch my head as I feel something wet on my ear's helix... and a weight on top of my back... wait, what?! 

I open my eyes with difficulty and turn around and face Jennie looking at me with her dark eyes and with sweat marks on her forehead... she leans to kiss me and I move my head to the headboard, still under her.


She tries to kiss me and I hold her shoulders.

"Let me kiss you... I want you to kiss me!" she pulls my shirt to her.

"Why are you here in the middle of the night, what happened...?!"

She starts to kiss my neck, her hands sliding under my shirt, pressing against my stomach and hips.

"... Ya...! I'm trying to talk to you...! Get off the top of me..." I push her away... she's so sweaty... her clothes... all her body... is... hot...

"I can go down if you prefer..." she says numbly as she starts crawling back smirking. 

"Are you drunk?"

She giggles.

I breathe out deeply, move away from her and lay my head on the pillow facing the wall.

"Lisa..." she presses her body behind me.

"I haven't heard from you for two weeks! And now... you come in the middle of the night drunk..."

"I want you..." she moves her hand under my shirt.

"Jennie... why did you drink...?"

"Kiss me..."

"What happened...?"

"I don't want to talk, let me..." 

I hold her hand that's going down.

"... I want to fuck you, feel that you are mine... you are mine!"

I turn to her. She's looking at me so numbly and she's so sweaty...

"Go take a shower..."


"Come on... you will feel more like yourself..."

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