[91] Feb 5, 2026 - Thursday 20:41 [1250]

121 14 1

| Hospital

I enter the hospital... starting to feel my heart racing...

"I'm sorry to bother you again..." I say as I lean on the counter and the woman hangs up the phone, looking at me...

"... But can you please tell me if something happened to her...? I can't find nurse Kim either... nobody knows where she is... can you at least tell me just even if she's working today... or... if something happened... please...?" 

"I can't share that information with you. I would like to help, but I can lose--" she stops speaking.

"What are you doing here?!" I finch and clench my jaw... as I hear Mrs. Kim's voice from behind me...

I turn around and gulp. Is just her...

"... Did you let her enter?! I don't want you near her! I want you out of here!!" she starts making a scene at the entrance... the woman behind the counter comes and starts trying to calm her down and I just stay still...

"I'll not leave until I know if something happened to Jennie..."

"Ah, you happened! Now you have no right to be here...!"

"I never wanted this to happen..."

"Jennie... how could she have been so naive...? Every time I look at you... my little girl might never wake up.... and all because she cares for you... look what her love for you got her... just leave..."

"I won't..."

She gasps angrily, in disbelief and looks at the woman.

"Where is the doctor?"

"Ah... I'll let him know you arrived... he will come in any minute... please wait here, Mrs. Kim..."

"Here?" she asks, looking at me and back at the women.

"Mhm..." the woman goes, giving me a small smile...

Mrs. Kim stays standing up beside me... it's noticeable how she is uncomfortable with my presence...

But... as the seconds pass...

Her worry and anxiety seem to be all that she's starting to try to control right now... is like she forgot to care at all if I'm here or not anymore... she's waiting nervously, not taking her eyes out of the hallway...

A doctor appears on the corner, at the end of the corridor and walks towards us...

"Good evening, Mrs. Kim..." he nods at me too and I do the same.

"... I called you here because Jennie... as you know... her state is very fragile... and during today... she caught an infection... and... in her condition..."


I-I... I feel Mrs. Kim holding my hand... I hold it better...

"... I'll be honest with you... we don't think she can hold on one more night..."

Mrs. Kim holds my hand tighter, starting to let tears fall and stays quiet...

"But it's not impossible, right...?" I ask.

"As my many years in here showed me... nothing is impossible... but... it's up to Jennie now..."

"... We are going to move her to an isolation room, where she can't get any physical visits, but is for her to have less risk of gaining any other infections... these next hours will be critical for her now..."

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