[84] Apr 8, 2024 - Monday 23:28 [582]

107 15 0

| Mansion of Bambam's friend - Mask Party

♪ [ ~ Bitter - FLETCHER, Kito ~ ]

I signal Bambam I will pick up a call on my phone.

I lean on the wall, take off my mask, and put my free hand on my other ear.

"Yes, Rosé?" I giggle.

"Are you already drunk?"


"Lisa... you and Bambam alone are always the same together... jisoos..."

"You were way worse before Jisoo..."

She chuckles.

"I was... behave and call me when you get home..."

"Mhm... I'll behave, don't worry... bye..." I hang up.

I look through the window up at the moon... drink all my glass and put my mask on again...


"There's a girl who doesn't stop looking at you... the one in a black dress over there... that just took off her mask..." Bambam whispers to me as we are leaning against the counter.

I look at her... she's shorter than me... her dark hair... bare shoulders... and we lock eyes... 

I breathe deeply, look at my glass again and take a sip.

"... Come on, you said you moved on, so stop saying no to every girl... I'm going get out of the way."


The girl starts walking towards me and leans on the counter next to me.

"Hi... can I buy you a drink?"

I look at her...

"... Is just a drink... please. It doesn't have to mean anything... there's a guy who's been trying to dance with me all night and I'm just looking to get a break from him..."

I nod.



"Here are your drinks, Miss," the bartender slides two glasses on top of the counter.

I grab one.

"Isn't your friend calling you?" she points.

I look at Bambam... no... he seems to be enjoying his alone time... just fine...

"I don't think so..." I look back at her.

She smiles at me and drinks from her glass... I look at mine... and start drinking too.


♪ [ ~ Glimpse of Us - Joji ~ ]

I chuckle... I never felt like this... I feel so numb... everything is so wavy and... so blurred...

Where is the girl...? 

I look around with difficulty and... I can't find her...


I think is her... she put her mask on again... she's coming over... 


My heart...

There's something... as she walks towards me... that reminds me...

She shows me her hand... I try numbly, to look at it and back at her...

I hold it...


I follow her as she walks in front of me... I look at our hands as she pulls me with her to the dance floor... and stops near a window...

She places her hand on my back... and grabs the fabric of my clothes in a fist... it feels just like...


She grabs my hand in the air... and starts slow dancing...

I know I said I'm fine and said I moved on...

I know is wrong... but I'm trying to fall for this girl's touch... thinking of how yours was...

I wish it were you...

Do you ever get a glimpse of us... on somebody else...?

She notices my gold ring and starts to play with it...

The girl is not wearing any rings...

This heaviness on my chest... like sharp thorns... around my naive heart beating so loudly... this feeling hurts... but I don't feel anything for so long... that I can't stop myself from thinking about us... I'm only here passing time in her arms... hoping I'll find glimpses of you...

She lets go of me and gestures with her hands for me to close my eyes... as she moved up her hands... she's wearing a silver necklace... 

I try to touch it but she holds my hands and takes them to my eyes.

I hear her move her mask to the side...

I feel a hand on the collar of my shirt.. she pulls me...




Her lips... crushing on top of mine... her soft skin... her scent... my fast heartbeat...

I dazedly move my hands away and... nobody is here anymore...

I look around, wavily and confused... all of this... feels like a dream...

April 8, 2024. Do you know what this day has...? Someone knew :)

? Someone knew :)

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