[95.2] Feb 9, 2026 - Monday 21:32 [1254]

104 15 0

| Our House

"What was this, Rosé?" I ask as I get out of her car in front of my house.

"... You didn't actually want to say anything..."

"I just missed your face..."

"I... sure... I missed your face too, Chipmunk..." I chuckle.

"... Goodnight," I close her car door.

"Goodnight..." she starts to go.

I open the door and look around through the empty first floor.


"At the backyard...!"

I smile, let go of my jacket on the sofa and walk outdoors...


Ah... oh-wow...

Our patio and garden are full of candle holders... some on the floor and others hanging on the trees... butterflies flying around them...


And Jennie... in the middle of our garden... 

With... is that a guitar on her back...?


I'm going to die tonight...

"... Can you come here, idiot...?" she asks. I start stepping out of our patio and walk through the grass... 

To her...

"Wh-what's this Jennie...?"

"I owe you a song... and you asked me to play it with my guitar... do you still remember?"

I nod yes... starting to feel my heart beat strongly and intensely...

"... Can I?"


She pulls her guitar to her front... and looks softly and... nervously too...?

I smile at her...

We are both so nervous... my eyes starting to burn... with the possibility... is she... asking me to be her girlfriend...? 

I... my knees are so weak right now... I'll fall right here... 

I look around me... yup, grass, no stones... we are good... scratch that I'm going to have a heart attack...

♪ [ ~ UNDERSTAND - keshi ~ ]

"~ Never thought that I'd find ~"
"~... That the one in my life would be so near ~"
"~... And now
you're here ~"

"~... I got you, you got me ~"
"~... When it's us, babe, you make me feel complete ~"
"~... You're all I need ~"

"~... Ooh, ooh ~"
"~... Maybe we can try it if you let me ~"
"~... Take you by the hand ~"
"~... You're the only one who understands ~"

We both stare at each other... her eyes getting so sparkly too... her voice slightly affected... but it never sounded more perfect to me...

"~... So I guess that it's time ~"
"~... I asked you to be mine for all my days ~"
"~... I hope you'll stay ~"

"~... I'll admit that I'm scared ~"
"~... 'Cause I've never really cared as much as this ~"
"~... It's worth the risk ~"

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