[82] Feb 18, 2024 - Sunday 17:03 [532]

95 14 0

| My Aunt's House

"Lisa... be more careful with my only nephew..."

"Gomo... I will drive more slowly. Leo will not throw up again..." please don't. 

I sit in my car.

My aunt looks at the cat and back at me.

"You have everything to move into your new house today...?"


"Don't ghost me now..."

"Gomo... we just talked that I will come back to train tomorrow..."

"And dinner."

"Sure... and dinner," I chuckle.

"Tomorrow I can... but then I'll be busy for the rest of the week... I still don't know when we can train again, but I'll text you."

"Wae? Why... are you busy...?"

"Just work stuff... but don't worry... nothing dangerous... will just be mentally exhausting... I still can't believe I agreed to do this... see you tomorrow." 

As soon I open my mouth, she closes my car door.

I furrow my eyebrows seeing her enter her home again...


| My House

Yup... we are not hallucinating... we made it...

I close the door and let go of my bags near the big leather brown sofa.

"Leo... this is our new home...? What do you think?"

Leo walks out of his box disoriented... looks around through the open space... and then at me.

"Exactly... so true..."

It's a two-floor house with a backyard... so my Leo has all the space he wants to run... but let's be honest... he'll probably just sniff around, sit and sleep somewhere... and I respect that...

I sit on the sofa and open my laptop... 

"Aish..." I've gotten so many work emails just today...

Hm... a new company is going to join ours... hm... but isn't this...?

My heart starts accelerating... with just the hypothesis... 

She works in this area for them...

I search and...

"Ne..." It belongs to X's father's corporate... 

[... Welcome our newest company affiliation this Friday...]

[... A presentation to what our new bright future together will look like...]

[... Every coworker is invited to go...]

"I am a coworker..."

"You know what this can mean, Leo?!"

"Leo...? Aish... where is this cat...?" I get up.

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