[83] Feb 23, 2024 - Friday 20:11 [537]

110 13 0

| G. Entertainment Building

♪ [ ~ Picking Flowers - Boy In Space ~ ]

The elevator doors open.

I peek outside and... I walk across the rooftop of the building, through the middle of the crowd.

"Excuse me, can you show me your invite?" a man approaches me.

I show him my company id card and he nods, moving on to the next person behind me. This has a lot more security than normal events...

I lean against the handrail in a far corner and look at the people who are busy with the event and socializing.

This corner has basically just a small space between the elevators' wall and the handrail... if I peek through the corner... there are still a lot of vases, sofas and posters between me and the stage.

I look at the schedule on the paper in my hand...

[... Jennie Kim 20h30...]

I don't want to hear it... I know... I'll be careful... I... I just want to see her...

I grab the handrail and look down, at the entrance of the building.

There are a lot of people, with cameras, waiting for someone who is inside a black Jeep... I see a woman getting out... she's wearing a red dress... is... Somi... 

I clench my jaw...

I rub my head. Wait? I rub my eyes... I know I'm on the rooftop... and them on the ground... but... yeorobun... that's my fucking aunt, escorting Somi as her bodyguard...


And she hates seeing women in suits... I chuckle...  but gomo, you look so cool and handsome right now... 

So... Somi... she's the member of the group that my aunt is still connected to...? Somi... she didn't really hurt me that night... and didn't hurt them... instead... the shooting started before it reached Jennie for some reason... maybe she was the reason...


This event seems important enough to make the group members be here... I'll have to be extra careful then...


"Aish..." I rub my leg.

The-the kid from the road? The one who made weird faces to imitate me and asked for my beloved pancakes.

He kicks my leg again.

"Hide me...!" he whispers.

He looks so angry... and he's wearing a black smoking suit with a white papillon... omg, that's the fuking cutest thing I have ever seen... I cough... 

I look up confused. I see a security guard searching for something... shit... someone... definitely for this mini devil...

I lower myself.

"You have to go hide somewhere else, sir..."

He looks angrily at me and hides behind me anyway... oh, and it's climbing to the top of the handrail. I grab his blazer.

"You don't work for my father too?" he asks analysing me up and down.

"Who is your father?"

He points to-to... he's here too...? X's father...? But-what? I didn't know X had brothers...

"... No... I work for this," I point to the logo of my card id.

"... And you need to go now, sir..."

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