[42.2] Jan 4, 2023 - Wednesday 02:39 [122]

203 16 0

| Jisoo's Residence

"Lisa...?" I hear Rosé.


"Jennie...?" I hear Jisoo.


I open my eyes slowly and see Rosé in front of me and Jisoo trying to wake up Jennie too in the opposite corner.

"The movie ended?" I ask.

"Yeah, almost an hour ago..." Rosé says and chuckles.

"What...?" I rub my eyes.

Wait, my glasses... oh, they are on the table...

Jennie gets her upper body up too... and her angry, sleepy stare that she's throwing at Jisoo, who had the audacity to wake her up...

I try to contain my laughter and look at Jisoo.

"Sorry for falling asleep for that long, I should go now..." I say.

"Rosé and I already prepared a mattress on the floor in my bedroom. We can all sleep here," Jisoo says and hands me a pyjama.

"Oh... thank you... but I can go home still."

"It's late, is better if you sleep here..."

I smile, still trying to wake myself up.

"... And stay with Rosé on the mattress."

"Okay... I can stay wherever you want me..." I nod and...

I put my hand covering my mouth as I feel myself starting to yawn.

"She's afraid I'll jump to her bed, so you have to stay with me..." Rosé says and I chuckle.

Jennie yawns.

"I stay here..." she says letting herself fall on the sofa again.

"I'm not going to take you to bed..." Jisoo says and chuckles.

"... You know the apartment, take this and do whatever you want," Jisoo throws clothes to Jennie's back and looks at me.

"... You can change in the bathroom. I have a few new toothbrushes in the first drawer," Jisoo says and starts walking, indicating to me the place of her things. I get up, rubbing my eyes.

"Mhm... thank you..."


I think I prepared myself to sleep with my eyes closed.

And now... ahh.

I let myself fall heavily on the mattress.

I was waiting for this moment since I woke up.

Rosé is smirking, looking at me.

"What...?" I ask, struggling to have my eyes open.

"Nothing... you feel okay sleeping here...?"


Honestly, I feel like I will go out in seconds... I can't even think of anything, right now... bye...

"Okay... sleep then..."

"Mhm... goodnight..."

I feel Rosé pat my bangs.



♪ [ ~ Drive You Insane - Daniel Di Angelo ~ ]

"Rosé, stop..."


I open my eyes as I hear Jisoo whisper and... I'm alone...? I'm alone on the mattress.

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