[21] Oct 20, 2022 - Thursday 16:23 [46]

232 15 3

| Road University - Residence

I'm on my way home.


[Jennie: Hey]

Hey, stranger...

I smile tiredly without even realizing it. Aish...

[Lisa: Hi]

[Jennie: Do you want to watch the last episode tonight?]

Last... ne... the last thing that is still tying you to me.

[Lisa: Today I have to finish something, but tomorrow night I'm free]

[Jennie: Sorry, I already have plans]

Of course, you have...

[Lisa: It's okay]

[Jennie: Saturday, 3 pm?]

[Lisa: Sure]

Our last episode together... maybe our last many things together... because then... she will be free of me, and... now... she has again the attention of who she wants.

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