[94] Feb 8, 2026 - Sunday 20:04 [1253]

115 15 0

| M̶y̶  Our House

♪ [ ~ Turning Page - Sydney Rose ~ ]

I grab this fluffy ball from the car... Jennie... just kidding... one of my new favourite sons... Kuma.

I open Jennie's car door and open the other one for Kai to get out.

I walk to the front of the car, still holding Kuma under my arm... Jennie pats Kai and looks at me...

I smile and breathe deeply as we both look at the door...

"How many posters of cartoons are inside...?" she chuckles.

"Ah... I'll let you find out..." I rub my neck as I start walking to the door.

We both enter... and...

"... Jisoos..." I say. The open space of the living room and kitchen on the first floor filled with... five cats... and three dogs... all of them around us...

"This is a disaster...." Jennie says smiling, kinda scared...

I chuckle and--

"Ya...! Take Kai away from my Lily...!" I hold Lily up to my chest.


"Tell Louis to not snort at my Kuma...! He didn't do anything..."

"Oh, no... Jennie...!" I chuckle.

"... Omo, please also control Kai, he is running after Leo."

"Leo kinda needs to run though..." she says as she goes after Kai.

I gasp... and look in disbelief at her...

"I... Jisoo, and now you too...? He's not fat, it's just the fur that makes him big...!"

Jennie chuckles and surrenders pressing her lips.

"... Aish..."

"Lisa... Lego..." she points to a shelf near the TV...

"Yeah... Lego will eventually come down... I hope..."

"... We are literally ten... ten living in this house..." I rub my forehead.

"This is going to be so catastrophic... if we need space for one... or two... more..." she says looking at me sideways...

"You want more?!" I ask terrified by the current chaos that is currently happening in our living room.

Jennie looks at me nervously...

"... Please not another dog Jennie! Not a dog!"

She chuckles.

"Mhm, not a dog..."

"I always wanted a hamster, though..."

"And you will keep wanting."

"Hm," I pout annoyed.


I look at her... 

Yes. Fear. Terrified. Yes...

Is she...? Referring to... 

A child?!!

I cough.

I guess this is the time to remind her... that... I don't see myself as... aish... let's be honest... nobody needs to get traumatized at a such young age with me as a parent...

"Ah... can I place my bags here?" she cuts the silence, but her face... as if I had just crushed her hopes...

"... And you show me the rest of the house?" she says smiling at me... but... 

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