[95] Feb 9, 2026 - Monday 12:11 [1254]

110 15 0

| Our House



I finish cleaning the fur on our sofa in the living room, and grab my phone... I glance amazed at Jennie in the kitchen, cooking concentrated... I lean on the sofa staying looking at her. I still can't believe she's here...

"Yes, Roseanne...?" I say, and Jennie starts looking at me.

"Good morning, stupid..."

I chuckle.

"Good morning..."

"Bambam said you asked for three days' vacation because of everything... so are you free this night?"

"Ah... just me?"

"Yes, just you. Your girlfriend could use some free time away from you I'm sure..."

"Wow... ah, it's just the second day I'm with her... she's not been with me for even 24 hours yet... but... okay... I'll talk to Jennie first, but yeah, I think I can, and... for now I don't think I'm allowed to use the... girlfriend... word yet..." I say the last part whispering... and feel Jennie gaze from the other side of the room looking now attentively at me since she noticed I whispered something... I smile at Jennie and she furrows her eyebrows.

"What do you mean, aren't you guys dating now?"

"Hmm, we actually still didn't talk about it."

"What are you waiting for?"

I breathe deeply seeing Jennie taking out the plates of food outside to the backyard and... I stay inside.

"To be honest we are so good now that I'm afraid if I ask her to be my girlfriend... the sky will start to fall, I'll have FBI knock on our door, I-I don't know..." I whisper.

Rosé laughs.

"Don't be stupid and take your shot..."

"... Now that's she free... she may want to find other people, live for once, experience things, spread her wings, that kind of thing, now that she can do that... you know...?"


"... Rosé...?" I whisper in a lower tone.

"I'm just saying..." she laughs.

"I want to... and I'll ask her, okay? Just... enjoying these moments with her right now... and it's Jennie, I want to do something special..."

"Omo... aww... I can't wait for the four of us to go on double dates...! Jisoo and I are already together for more than two years... it's still unbelievable when I think about it..."

"... You guys are so lucky to have such a perfect couple to look up to... " she says playfully making me chuckle.

"So... you think she would say yes... right?"


"Hm, what?" I ask, starting to panic.

She laughs.

"Well is Jennie, wasn't she straight?"


She laughs.

"... Jennie already said that she is bisexual."

"Mhm, Jisoo until today said that she only liked me, so she doesn't care about labels and that's it."

"She's rosésexual."

She laughs.

"Bye, and at eight at the cafe near my house. Ask your girl permission first then, and if she says no, say to call me."

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