[65.2] Apr 9, 2023 - Sunday 23:43 [217]

132 16 0

| Party's House

I'm sitting on the sofa with...

I breathe deeply...

Jennie next to me, and then X next to her. Jennie is in the middle of us so awkwardly.

Rosé and Jisoo never come back... they are taking ages.

"Jennie, hi, can I talk to you?" Irene suddenly appears.

"Ah... we can talk here, sit...!" she points to X's side.

"It's kinda personal, can you come? It will be fast..."

Jennie glances at me and X.

"Ah... does it have to be now?"

"Yes... I'm driving insane..."

Jennie looks at her and stays silent.

X pushes her out of the sofa.

"Don't let your friend go insane."

Jennie gets up and looks at me and X on the sofa, and before she says anything Irene pulls her away.

X crosses his legs and gazes at me.

"I think we should talk..." he says. I look at him... I spend so much time hearing Sana talk about his damn hair... but, fuck, is really fluffy...

"What do you want to talk about?"


I nod.

"... What are your intentions with her?"

Ah... I chuckle.

"I know she's going to marry you... what do you want me to say...?"

"But you like her?" he leans closer to me, crossing his arms.

I lean closer too.

"I love her."

He nods and moves back, so I do too. We keep looking at each other not breaking eye contact.

"I was just curious..."

"And you, do you love her...?"

"I do," he says without even hesitating and looks away at the crowd.

"... Has Jennie ever told you that she loves you?"

"... I will take your silence as a no... what does she say she wants after we get married?"

"Why don't you ask her?"

"She hates talking about you with me."


"You want to close your relationship after marrying, right?"

He chuckles.

"My family takes marriage very seriously and let's say... they are very traditional too, so yes... you or anyone else... better be out of the picture..."

"Picture as...?"

"Oh no, the two of you can be friends, best friends... whatever you guys want..."

"... And what I think she wants... is that... for you be with her... platonically..."

He looks at me.

"... If she wants you close... you can be close... just remember... you can't touch my wife... can you do that? While being that close to her?"

"... If you do touch her... you will not be just hurting yourself... her too, even I will be hurt by your guy's little affair..."

"... That goes to me too... and to my... little affairs... so... when I will say in my vows I'll be faithful to her... I'll mean it..."

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