[78] Sep 2, 2023 - Saturday 15:39 [363]

125 14 0

| Residence

♪ [ ~ I Hate to Admit - Bang Chan ~ ]

I move the heavy box to the top of the counter... and look around... at the blank walls with small marks of adhesives... at the window that lets light stream in on this room... now all... so empty...

I cover my mouth, running my eyes through all that will stay here... whatever happens... this chapter ended... and I'll never have it back...

Our blue sofa... all the times she looked annoyed at me and kicked me right there... watching TV cuddling with her... crying together like two idiots... her trying to kiss me drunk... our first real kiss... her stealing my blanket... fighting for a stupid piece of strawberry... hearing the neighbours and fall... watching her sleep... her loud laugh as I tickled her...

~ Do you remember our last conversation? ~

~ Conversation...? Like... I talked and you talked? ~

~ Yes... that's the definition of a conversation ~ she chuckles.

~ You talked, like words, you said words? ~

~ Mhm ~

~ Hm... from what I remember you're last words were... to ask me to run my fingers on your neck... was that the last thing you said? ~

~ Hm ~ she chuckles and looks pensively at her hands on my stomach.

~ Jennie... ~

~ It was ~

~ Hm ~  I furrow my eyebrows.

She looks back at me.

~ Hmmm she teases.

~ How am I supposed to believe that is true now...? ~

~ It's what you remember, isn't it? ~

~ Hm ~

~ Hmmm ~

~ Don't HmM mE ~ I say and laugh starting to tickle her again, making her laugh too.

I move my upper body closer to her and keep tickling her. She tries to stop my hands with hers.

~ ... Tell me! What was it...? ~

~ It was nothing ~  she says between laughs.

I stop tickling her and she breathes more controlled.

~ Jennie... don't do this to me... ~

She smiles widely.

~ I'm not doing anything ~

Our carpet and floor where we lay in silence, looking at each other, not knowing, neither of us, what would happen next...

~ What are you thinking...? ~ she asks analyzing me.

~ You want to know...? ~

~ Mhm...  ~

~ I want to know what are you thinking too... ~

She chuckles and ignores me.

I chuckle.

When she tripped on the mini table drunk... 

All those times, we dance... and... gave each other lap dances... I nod smiling and turn around...

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