100. That doesn't make sense

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Spencer stared at her floor, her knuckles bleeding.

How did we get here?

It was all a blur.

I'm dreaming, she told herself.

"This isn't real" she said out loud. "That wasn't real."

"It was real," Emily spoke, "I heard the whole thing."

last night

"She is such a fucking cunt!" Spencer sat down on her couch.

"Can confirm" Andrew nodded beside her.

"I can't believe I was ever friends with her!"

Andrew shrugged, petting Nox.

Spencer took a deep breath, "I need to calm down. It's not that serious."

"Well" Andrew tried to say.

"It's not- I don't care what people think of me."

"Sure" he nodded.

Spencer rolled her eyes.

"Listen, as long as the people closest to you know the truth- that's all that matters."

She sighed, "how do you even deny that."

"I don't mind the whole school thinking I bagged you" he said with a smirk.

"Asshole" she punched his shoulder.

"Hey! Joke" he laughed.

"A bad one! People are assuming we had a foursome" she said in disgust.

"Do you think Fred and George would-"

"Ew- stop- I don't even want that as a thought in my head" she covered her ears.

Andrew laughed.

"Gross" she shook her head.

"Do you have any ice cream?" he walked to her kitchen.

"Yeah, strawberry" she answered, staring at Nox as he slept.

"Meh" he said.

"Get your own ice cream then!" Spencer chuckled.


Spencer was laying down on her couch, reading an article Snape assigned.

Remus came in and kissed her on the head, "hello love."

"Hey" she sat up and watched him set his things down on the table.

He walked into the kitchen, getting a glass of water.

"How was your day?" she asked.

"I missed you" he said from the kitchen.

"How much?" she smiled to herself.

"Very much" he replied. She went to the table and fixed up his papers.

"Where'd you get this?" Spencer asked, holding Remus the marauders map.

"Confiscated it from- you know what that is?"

"Yeah" she chuckled. "This saved us so many times" she shook her head.

"Am I to assume you were the one who gave it to Harry" he raised an eyebrow.

"What! I have never seen this thing in my life" she denied the accusation, a chuckle coming out.


"I don't really want a lecture right now" she groaned.

"Do you know what could have happened if it fell into the wrong hands? Perhaps the hands of a murderer?"

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