49. *Future us

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"Morning darling" Remus kissed Spencer's cheek.

"Mm" she smiled.

"We leave today" he kissed her neck.

"Mmh" she nodded.

"You should call your grandfather" he added.

"You want to talk about my grandfather while you're sucking my neck?" she asked.

"I'm not sucking your neck... I'm kissing it" he smiled.

"Whatever you have to say to yourself" she chuckled.

"Are we going to avoid the topic?"

"Yeah" she nodded, turning her back to him.



He sighed. "Ok" he nodded, bringing her closer and kissing her shoulder.

"You shaved yesterday" she spoke.

"I did, can't have half a beard at a party" he hugged her, placing his head on the crook of her neck.

Spencer placed her hand on top of his, which was on her chest.

"Anyway there's that whole superstition of going into the new year clean" he added.

"I think you're very clean" she answered.

"Compared to you- yes" he laughed.

"Hey" she chuckled, smacking his hand.

"Joking love, joking" he smiled.

"Remus?" Spencer asked after a few minutes of silence.


Spencer faced him, staring at him before asking.

"What are we going to do after school ends?" she asked.

Remus looked up from her lips to her eyes, taking in what she said.

"What do you want to do?" he asked reluctantly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... it's up to you" he shrugged.

"Why is it up to me?"


"Remus" she sat up. "You're telling me that if I decide to end it you'll just let me?"

"I'd understand why is all I'm saying" he sat up.

"Remus" she said angrily, pushing his shoulder back.


"No" she stood up. She grabbed her wand and placed a privacy charm around them.

"Oh boy" Remus sighed.

"Remus" Spencer shook her head disapprovingly.

"Sorry" he cleared his throat.

"What do you want" she sat on her bed.


"Stop that. Just... tell me. Whatever it is" she shrugged.

"Whatever it is" he said reluctantly.

"Whatever it is" she nodded.

"Spencer I don't want to break up with you" he admitted.

"Then tell me"

"I just did!" he chuckled.

"I mean in the first place. Not just because I'm begging you to tell me" she shook her head.

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