84. I'm glad you're alive

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Remus looked at Nox from the rearview mirror, he was sleeping in the middle seat.

"So are you dropping me off half a mile away or something?" Spencer asked as she closed her book, her feet on the dashboard.

Remus bought her a book on learning the piano, the theory behind it will do for now.

She'd taken him away from the thought of Nox throwing up in the rental car.

Remus chuckled, "I was thinking more along the lines of I saw you at the station and gave you a ride."

"Why would you be at the station?"

"I came to visit" he shrugged.

"Coincidence" Spencer smiled.

"Maybe we planned to come back at the same time. We talk, you being my assistant and all. We can say your grandfather invited us out for dinner" he added.

"That works" she nodded. "Very smart Professor."

"I have my wits about me" he placed his hand on her thigh. "Are you ready to duel with Kings?"

Spencer sighed, "Yeah, just not really excited as I thought I would've been" she shrugged, placing her hand on his.

"Understandable," he nodded, "but this is a great opportunity if you end up becoming an Auror, you know."

"Yes, I know, I know" she nodded.

He grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips and placing a soft kiss.

"You have a small mole here" he said.

The mole was beside Spencer's knuckle, most of the time covered by her other finger.

"It's my favorite part of your body. It's intimate... you wouldn't know it was there unless you're looking" he placed their hands back on her thigh.

Spencer blushed as she looked down at her finger.

"I thought my back was your favorite" she replied.

Remus chuckled as he nodded, "for an entire different reason" he looked at her for a second before looking back at the road. "I love the days when I get home and you're sleeping in bed, without a shirt on. You're sleeping on your side, the blanket around your chest, while your back is uncovered" he told her. "It's a grounding moment for me."

"How come?" she asked.

He shrugged, "you'd be like that whether or not I'm with you. And I have the opportunity to just walk in and not only see you but also lay down next to you" he answered. "I could stare at your back all day, draw starts on your smooth skin, hug, and know I've kissed you before and still think I didn't do it right."

"And everyday, wordlessly, I ask you if I can try again and again and again" he continued. "And you let me" he smiled at himself.

"Of course I do, Remus" she squeezed his hand. "What's bringing this on?"

He sighed, shaking his head slightly.

"I swore I would never hurt you-"

"It's a good thing I've never believe it then, huh?" she chuckled.

He gave her a sad smile, "I hurt you."

"I'm not broken" she kissed his head. "You didn't make the cracks on the teacup, Remus. They were already there. You're not the monster" she shook her head. "Besides, sticks and stones right?"

Nox meowed from the back, stretching as he slowly woke up.

"Aw" Spencer said as she looked back to him. "You're just so cute" she let go of Remus' hand and teacher to pet Nox's head.

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