2. The week before Hogwarts

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Spencer was anxiously waiting for the week to come to an end. She was excited to go back to school, especially to see her friends again. Until then, she had a job to do. All she focused on during her summer was working. She needed to work. However, since she was leaving for Hogwarts soon, her last week was cut in half. Only working half of the day instead of her usual full. 

She hated having free time.

She loved working in the cafe, it was almost therapeutic. She loved studying people. 

Like the woman seated by herself writing in her notebook. She's so focused and probably thinks she's the only person in the world right now. Can she even hear the piano playing in the background?

Or like the little boy who is clinging onto his mother, he's scared of the people around him. Shy.

Her day was pretty slow, cleaning table after table and making coffee and lunch for some. All of the sudden she felt the need to look up.

She saw him. 

He was already seated and was looking at the menu. His pretty brown hair filled with specks of grey, his beautiful greenish eyes sparkling. The scars across his face made him even more attractive to her.

She studied him. He was older of course, but he looked young- 30 maybe 35. 

He looked sick, very exhausted. 

Like if she were to hex him right here and now he would be done for. 

She wondered what this muggle had been through. She wanted to know his life story. Why was she so pulled to him?

He furrowed his brows, he probably didn't know what to eat. Tourist? maybe, she thought to herself. 

She made her way over to him, "Hi, what can I get you started with?"

"Hi... Spencer-"

"How did you-"

He pointed at her name tag, she  giggled. 

"Of course, and you are? It's only fair since you know my name" she smirked. 

She knew what she was doing. 

So did he.

"Remus Lupin" he replied throwing her a light smile.

"From lupus?" it was latin for wolf.

He chuckled at her response.

"I'm surprised you know, not a lot of people do." 

He smiled at her. 

There was something about her, he thought. From the moment he came in and laid eyes on her, something... clicked.

"So, do you know what you would like?" she asked.

"I actually don't, do you have any recommendations? I've never eaten here before" he admitted as he scratched the back of his head.

 He's nervous, she said to herself. 

"Yeah, I know. I would remember a face like yours" she smiled.

She recommended what to eat and drink, and enjoyed the meal. 

By the end of her shift, she went up to him and said that the incoming waitress would take care of him.

He smiled and told her to have a good day. 

He wished she had worked longer, that way he could keep looking at her and her beautiful hair.

Spencer went to a nearby beach, not wanting to go home until later. 

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