88. Virtus et fortitudo

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A few weeks passed and Spencer suddenly found herself in May.

"That's the wrong date" Harry said across from her.

"What day is it?" she erased it.

"May tenth" Harry replied.

Spencer looked up, shocked. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously" he laughed.

"Oh" she nodded, writing down the correct date. Spencer looked back at her book, and continued jotting down her notes.

It was an hour after dinner, the two decided to complete their assignments together while Hermione and Ron looked for his missing rat... again.

"Hi" someone spoke.

Spencer looked up.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Hello" Harry said.

Abigail turned to face Harry, "erm- hi" she smiled. She faced Spencer again, "can we... talk?"

"Uhm-" she looked at Harry, "actually I'm- Harry needs help with his homework and he still doesn't get it- I'm sorry maybe another time?"

"Don't worry about it," she shook her head, "I just- well I feel like I never apologized for... last time" she looked at Harry for a second. "So- I'm sorry and it'll never happen again I'm... really sorry."

The almost kiss.

"Don't apologize" Spencer shook her head. "We're okay, right?"

"Totally" she nodded. "Right so I'll just," she looked back toward the exit, "see you then."

"Wait just-" Spencer stood up. "I'm sorry," she walked toward her, "I know it's hard to put yourself out there and I know it's even harder when... that happens" she whispered, looking at Harry for a second then looked back at her. "My point is that- I don't know" she shrugged. "We're friends, you know?"

"Yeah" she nodded. "Friends."

Spencer gave her a sad smile.

Abigail nodded before leaving.

"I don't need help with my homework" Harry replied once Abigail left the library.

"Thank you for not saying that in front of her" she sat back down.

"I take payment in Chinese food" he smiled.

Spencer chuckled, "sure kid" she replied shaking her head.

"So what'd she do?" he asked.

"Nope" she shook her head.

"Fine... I actually wanted to talk to you about something" he closed his book.

"What's up" she closed hers.

He took a velvet box out of his pocket, placing it on the table.


"Let me talk" he exhaled a deep breath. "I've thought about this a lot, and I'm giving it to you now because you don't like presents on your birthday and since I didn't see you on your actual birthday this makes sense" he spoke. "Plus it was a lot of work to even get out so- you can't say no, it's yours and I want you to keep it" he smile, slowly pushing the box toward her.

She eyed the box for a second before placing her hand over it.

"Harry you don't need to-"

"Just open it already" he smiled.

She sighed, nodding.

Spencer grabbed the box, opening it to find a gold bracelet and closing it immediately.

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