150. Outside. Now.

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"We're going to scare him" Spencer whispered.

"Relax, he's probably sleeping" Tonks chuckled.

"We should've called."

"You should've stayed behind" Moody muttered.

Spencer rolled her eyes as the door opened.

"Professor Moody?" he asked confused. "Spence" he smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"Rescuing you, dur" she answered.

"This your trunk?" Tonks grabbed it. "Come on now, haven't got all day" she walked out.

"Don't worry, all is well" Spencer grabbed his hand and headed downstairs.

"Where are we going? The letter said I've been expelled from Hogwarts."

"Not yet" Moody answered.

"Kingsley's working on it" she squeezed his hand. "You did a brave thing, Jamie."

"Dumbledore persuaded the minister to suspend your expulsion pending a formal hearing" Kingsley spoke.

"Hearing?" Harry asked.

"You'll be fine" Spencer smiled.

"Don't worry Harry we'll explain everything when we get back to headquarters" Tonks said.

"Shh, not here Nymphadora" Moody shushed her.

"Don't. call me. Nymphadora" she warned, her hair changing color.

Moody tapped his stick on the ground twice, brooms appeared for everyone.

"Stay in formation, if one of us is killed you know what to do."

Spencer got goosebumps. She had fought for her place here, Moody still didn't trust her. Why, she wasn't sure. 

But this was something real, her first mission.

"Let's go."

They flew up, keeping Harry in the middle of them.

Going under a bridge, Spencer felt the wind in her hair.

It was cold only because they were above water. She could see Harry smile beside her.

Soon enough they landed in front of Sirius' house, Harry stood in front of it.


Spencer was sure he never knew when he was going to come here again.

"In you go, son" Moody told him.

Harry went in, Moody, Tonks, and Kingsley walked by him and into the kitchen.

The meeting was just finishing up.

It was to no surprise that Molly shut the door behind her and kept Harry and her outside.

"Heavens you're alright, how are you" she hugged him.

"Mrs. Weasley, I'm well" he hugged her back.

"You've gotten tall, taller than Spencer" she laughed.

"Let's not talk about it, I'm hurt" Spencer supplied.

"Dinners almost ready, your room is the first door on the left" she pointed up.

"Can't I-"

"You'll see them in a bit love, I promise" she smiled.

Harry turned back to Spencer.

"Go, I'll see you at dinner" she smiled.

He nodded before he went up.

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