106. You and me

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Spencer was clocked in.

Never in her life had she been more focused on anything than now.

She had four people staring at her every move, including Snape.

She was making an amortentia for her final.

Cruel, but he wanted to prove a point.

To who he wanted to prove it to was the question.

Spencer knows he'll always be angry but this proves he's trying.

Trying to understand.

"That's time Ms. Venus" a lady beside Snape had.

He cleared his throat, "what do you smell?"

Spencer looked at the potion in front of her for a few moments before getting closer.

"I smell... chocolate, old books, and autumn" she told them, not looking at Snape.

What she didn't tell them was that she also smelled his cologne, his cabin, and his favorite tea.

She guessed that because she was upset she could step away when few others couldn't.

They walked up to the cauldron and took a whiff themselves, she smiled when she saw them do the same.

Snape shut the cauldron. "Thank you Ms. Venus, you may leave."

"Cool" she nodded to herself before grabbing her bag and exiting the room.

She left the castle with Nox, walking to the lake.

She sat on the rocks, where she used to sit with Emily.

Where she used to sit with Remus.

Nox fought with a flower as she laid down, letting the sun hit her face.

She hadn't spent much time outside since... since it happened.

Since it all happened.

Other than Arthur ignoring Snape, she thought it went well.

Though she felt stupid as she continued to think about Remus.

She also felt stupid for still wearing his clothes. Stupid for still listening to his music.

Stupid for hiding the necklace he gave her under her shirt.

She thought about leaving the hamper as is, letting it be frozen in time.

But those items of clothing are the only things she has left of his.

Those records allow her to remember a time different than now.

She can't stop time.

The clouds still move, the sun still sets, and the moon comes out every night.

And he's not there anymore.

"You know you're laying down on dirt, right?" Snape asked.

"Yes" she answered as she continued to stare at the sky.

"You'll be dirty."


"How long have you been out here?" Snape asked.

Spencer took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

She didn't respond.

She then heard movement, when she peeked he was next to her watching the sky.

"You don't have to stay" she said.

"Let me lie beside you."

She didn't reply.

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