107. Barbie

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"I don't want to" she told him.

"I understand, but-"

"Are you listening to me? I don't think you're listening to me. If you understand, there shouldn't be a "but" in your sentence!" she stood up from her couch and walked to her kitchen.

"Spencer-" Snape followed her, she opened her fridge and got a water bottle.

She groaned before opening it and taking a sip.

"It's an honor to-"

"Drop. It."

Her stove turned on, all four tops now powered with fire.

They both turned to look, she sighed as he went and turned them off.

"I don't want you to regret this choice in 20 years."

"I won't- my class hates me. Half of them want to screw me, the other wants to kill me-"

"That's not-"

"It is" she cut him off. "Yes, it's an honor to be ranked number one. I get that. But speaking in front of people who loathe me? I'd rather skip graduation-"

"You're kidding, right? Tell me you're kidding" he turned around and faced her.

"Nobody's showing up for me anyway" she shrugged before walking back into her living room.

"You can't possibly be serious" he followed her.

"I'm not going to call my dad or my grandpa-"

"Why" he exclaimed.

"Ok this," she made a circle in the air with her palm, "needs to be brought down three notches."

He rolled his eyes.

"They would be there if you asked. The Weasley's will definitely be there, I would be there."

"And I appreciate it, that doesn't mean I want to speak" she sat down on her couch.

"Okay. If you don't want to speak, that's fine, I can't make you. But you should at least call your grandfather and ask him to attend."

She took a deep breath.

Suddenly her phone rang, she picked it up and saw the contact name.

"Speak of the devil" she told him before answering.

"Good morning Apa" she spoke into the phone.

"Morning sunshine" he replied. "How are you doing?"

"Good, and you?"

Snape signaled her to hurry up and ask.

"I'm well" he answered. "When are you coming?"

"Soon, promise" she said. "Listen..."

"Que paso?"
(What happened?)

"My graduation is coming up, it's next Friday... I'd- I'd really appreciate it if you could-"

"I'm there mija" he cut her off.

"Great" she nodded. "I'll let Arthur know to be on the lookout."

"See you soon" he said before hanging up.

"Happy?" she asked Snape.

"Ecstatic" he replied sarcastically.

She gave him a stiff smile before looking at her bookshelf.

He sat on the couch in front of her, "how are you feeling today?"

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