126. Dodo

238 19 3


Andrew and I will be hosting a Christmas dinner.

I hope you can make it.

I love you,


"White or Green?" Andrew asked her.

"Why would you want a white Christmas tree?"

"If it's mass produced, people are buying it" he answered.

"Green" she chuckled. "It goes with our color scheme."

He carried a box and put it in the cart.



"And eight foot tree? Seriously?"

"What?" he shrugged. "You'll do the bottom half."

She smacked his shoulder as he laughed.

"We own a ladder" he added.

She shook her head as she picked up another box of baubles for the tree.

"I can't believe it's almost the end of the year" she spoke out loud.

"I know... feels like we just started it."

She gave him a soft smile, "I'm very grateful to have you in my life Andy, I hope you know that."

He smiled, "I'm grateful to have you" he shook his head.

The two paid and left the store, "you should do your little magic trick" he said.

Spencer shook her head, "there's too many people around."

"Am I expected to carry this tree all the way back home?"

She laughed, "you are a man."

"Hell no" he placed the box that held the tree down.

Andrew waved down a cab, Spencer chuckled.

"We should've apparated" he muttered.

"You know why we didn't" she whispered.

"It's muggle city out here" he shook his head.

He placed the tree in the trunk before getting in with Spencer.

She giggled, "we should've asked Arthur to pick us up."

He nodded, thinking.

"We can split the taxi" she added.

He shook his head, "don't worry about it. Excuse me, sir?"

The driver looked at Andrew through the mirror. "Where did you buy this vehicle?"

"The company gives it to us" he answered. "They get the cars through a dealership and then paint them over."

Andrew nodded.

"There's no way you're serious?" Spencer asked.

"I'm just curious" he smiled.

Spencer stared out of the window, seeing as people walked by.

It started snowing.

She smiled.

The seasons were changing yet again.

Suddenly she remembered the snowball fight they all had together, Remus had gotten jealous that she and Abby were talking.

"Can't have her charm my girl now can I?"

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