109. I'll always choose love

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The sun woke Spencer up, her head was hurting too much for her liking.

"Fuck" she tried covering the sun with her hand.

Once her eyes adjusted, they widened at the sight of someone's back next to her.

A back with no scars.

In her room.

On her bed.


She sat up quickly, "Oh, God, please forgive me."

He turned around to face her, still waking up.

"Get out" she brought the sheets closer to her chest.

"Or maybe we could," he ran his finger on her arm, "round three" he said sleepily.

"Out, Jack!" she grabbed a pillow and hit him with it.

"Fine" he rolled his eyes. He got out of bed and put his pants on, "you're still a pretty good lay" he complimented.

She looked at the sheets, praying he'd hurry up.

If anyone is out there, if you're real, make him leave quicker.

"You have my address if you ever... need anything" he winked before leaving.

"Oh my god" she laid back down. "Oh my god" she groaned.

She reached over to grab the watch on her bedside table, "shit" she stood up quickly and got dressed.

It was 10:30.

"Agh fuck me" she quickly put something on before running over to Snape's classroom.

She opened his door out of breath, he was not happy.

"You were supposed to be here at 10."

She walked in and looking into his cabinets.

"Sure, help yourself" he said.

"Shh" she replied.

As she grabbed what she needed, he realized what she was doing.

"Are you kidding me" he stood up.

She rolled her eyes.

He sighed before walking over and stopping her.

"I can't do this right now" she looked up at him.

He placed a vial in her hand, the hangover cure she was going to make.

She drank it, trying not to throw it up.

She hated the taste of ginger.

"Bleh" she said out loud.

"Maybe next time you'll opt out of drinking" he said before heading back to his desk.

"Christ" she placed her hands on her face.

"Do you need to go to confession" he asked uninterested. "If so, you're in the wrong place."

"I'd probably burn the millisecond I step foot into a church" she shook her head.

"How was dinner?" he asked, looking up at her.

She shook her head.

"Okay then, let's start with what happened before dinner. Did you like the ceremony?"

"I was out of it" she answered. "I mean- I was there but not really."

He nodded, "why is that?"

She shook her head.

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