57. Meltdown, Harry.

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Spencer ran to her home, slamming the door behind her.

As soon as she went in, the tears that filled her eyes coursed down her cheeks.

Harry continued to run to her.

She couldn't breathe once she went in and fell in the middle of her living room.

Harry walked in, eyes widened as you couldn't hear her crying from outside but she was loud.

He got on his knee, bringing her into his chest. Spencer held onto his hand as he rubbed her shoulder.

He then placed his palm on her head, "you're okay" he whispered as she continued to cry.

"You're okay, I'm here" he said.

"I needed my mom" her voice broke. "I needed her. And she was nowhere to be found" she sniffed.

"I can't- I can't" she repeated.

"Don't" he rocked her like a baby. "Just... breathe"

"You need- need to get out" she got off him.


"Leave Harry!" she stood up. "Leave me alone"

"No" he stood up.

"I don't want you here"

"You can shoot and kill me with your words Spencer, but I am not leaving you!" he walked up to her and hugged her.

Spencer continued to sob as Harry held onto her.

"I want to lay down" she said after a few minutes.

Harry looked up, "I'll make you some tea" he nodded.

Spencer went to her room and changed into one of Remus' pullovers before laying in bed.

She chose Remus' side, the one furthest to the window, as Spencer sometimes enjoys waking up to the sun hitting her face.

"Hey" Emily said awkwardly beside Spencer.

"Go away Emily" Spencer spoke, her voice low.

"Spencer" she sighed.

Spencer was too tired to cut her off.

"I don't think you should be alone" she said.

"I'm not, Harry is making me tea" she replied.



"Here you go" Harry walked in, setting her tea on her bedside table.

"Thanks Harry" she sniffled.

He sat down in the corner of the bed, rubbing her calf as she just stared at the wall.

"Well I hope this isn't a traumatizing experience for him" Emily looked at Harry.

"I- heard what you said" he said slowly.

"Did you now" she replied, not looking at him.

"I don't wish you were dead" he looked down.

"I don't either" she admitted.

He sighed. "Don't lie to me Spence" he said.

"I did before, not now" she replied looking at him.

Harry looked up at her.

"I'd never lie to you" she said before looking back at the wall. "When have I ever lied to you?"

"So what's the Emily thing" he asked.

Emily chuckled.

"There's a difference between lying and not wanting to speak about something" she answered.

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