78. I just need time

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"Someone is knocking" Remus tapped Spencer.

"Shhh... no one is knocking" she shook her head.

They heard another knock.

"Ignore it" she said.

"Isn't the party today?" he hugged her tightly.

"Yeah, later" she yawned.

"Spencer!!" the twins yelled. "Open up!"

"Remus!" she sat up. "What time is it" she grabbed the clock.

"Shit get dressed" she got up and threw him clothes. "I forgot to set an alarm- fuck fuck fuck" she put some pants on.

"Fuck" he got up quickly. "Ok just- relax I'll be on the table and you can just say we're working" he got dressed. "Relax" he nodded.

"Wait" Remus grabbed her arm before she left the room.

Spencer looked at him, a question in her eyes.

Remus kissed her quickly before letting her go.

She shook her head with a smile before running to her living room, grabbing anything that screamed Remus and shoving it into her drawing room.


"Yeah" he yelled back from the room.

"Get out of there!"

"Sorry, sorry" he quickly walked to the table.

She stood before her door, catching her breath before placing her hand on the knob.

"Guys nows not a good time" she opened the door slightly.

"We'll help you clean up," Fred moved her out of the way, "plus we brought drinks" he turned around and showed her the bag.

He chuckled before walking into her living room, "I've seen your room- I know how-" he stopped talking as he took in Remus.

The bottles clinked as he brought the bags behind him.

"Professor" Fred smiled.

"She did say now was not a good time" George walked inside. "Remus" he nodded.

"Fred, George" he smiled.

"We uhm-" Spencer looked at them.

"I was just about to leave" Remus smiled. "I'll just take my-" he walked to the table to get his papers.

"No it's okay- I'll take care of it and take them to you sometime this week" Spencer spoke.

"Sorry for crashing your party" Fred smirked.

George punched his brother on the shoulder, Remus laughed.

"Enjoy your afternoon" he smiled. "Please don't make me owl your mother tomorrow."

"Don't worry professor, Spencer is proficient at the muffliato" Fred smiled.

The twins and Remus chuckled, "and happy birthday boys" he placed his palms on their shoulders. "You both have grown up to be wonderful young men" he smiled.

"Thank you" they nodded. "Will you make us muffins as our gift? haven't had them since I was a child" George smiled.

"Sure" Remus laughed. "It'll have to be a belated gift but I'll make them for you two" he nodded.

"You gave them muffins as children?" Spencer asked.

"Well they were for "everyone" but really it was just so we would stay in the kitchen" Fred laughed.

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