45. Dinner

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"Can you maybe not mention the werewolf part?" Spencer said as she stood outside the burrow, on the phone with her grandfather.


"Because he doesn't know I know" she replied.

"Lies are the foundation of a relationship" he said disapprovingly.

"Just- por favor?"

"Ok" he sighed.

"Thank you"

"I'm almost there- I'll call you when I'm outside"

"Ok" she replied before hanging up.

She took off the muffliato around her and walked back into the burrow.

"We really wouldn't mind if he had dinner with us Spencer" Molly said from the kitchen.

"Leave her alone, love" Arthur replied from the living room.

"I'm just saying" she shrugged.

"I mind" she answered. "I mind if he has dinner with us" she looked at Molly.

Spencer shook her head, "he just wants to talk to Remus about school and stuff" she added.

"What are we eating honey" Arthur walked beside Spencer, wrapping his arm around her.

Spencer loved when he did that.

When he stepped in and changed the subject because Molly wouldn't get the hint.

Spencer smiled at Arthur before going upstairs to her room.

She walked in finding Remus with two ties in his hand, placing them on his shirt and seeing which one looks better.

"You don't even pick ties for me" Spencer said as she sat down on her bed.

"Yes I do" he shook his head.

Spencer chuckled once she remembered her favorite tie.

"You know what I mean" she smiled.

"Help me" he turned around.

"The grey one" she pointed with her chin.

"Are you setting me up for failure?" he asked.

"No I think you look lovely in grey" she shook her head.

"Is it that I look lovely or is it the fact that it looks similar to the one you like?" he smirked.

"I dunno" she shrugged.

"I'm wearing the other one- I don't want to think about that while having dinner with your grandfather" he shook his head chuckling, heading to the mirror.

"But what if I did?" she walked behind him.

"Please don't" he shook his head.


"Because you know I'll do anything you asked me to" he admitted.

"I do" she rolled her eyes and turned around, beginning to change.

Remus smiled to himself as he looked at her through the mirror.

He walked up to her once her shirt was off, running his finger across the scars on her arm. His fingers moved down, going inside her pants and tracing the ones in her hips.

Spencer exhaled, not knowing she was holding her breath.

She looked up at him, staring longingly into his eyes.

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