39. It was like you flew

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A couple days had gone by since Spencer arrived at the Burrow. There were multiple things she realized during the first half of her stay.

The one that stuck was that they still kept the pictures of Emily up.

When Arthur caught her staring at them he wrapped his arm around Spencer, not saying anything.

She smiled at how thoughtful the Weasley's are.

Her days had been filled with helping Molly with dinner, flying outside because Fred begged her, and playing board games.

However, now she was being taught by Arthur on how to drive.

"Ok so what you want to do first is adjust your seat so you're comfortable, then check your mirrors" Arthur instructed Spencer.

"Ok" she shifted.

"Don't be nervous" he added.

Spencer nodded her head. She started the card and started driving around the house slowly.

"Try braking" he said.

"Haven't been in one of these in the longest" Spencer heard Emily from the back.

"Softly next time" he chuckled as his body moved forward and back.

"My leg is shaking" she whispered.

"It's normal to be anxious, don't worry" he added. "We can stop if you-"

"Yes please" Spencer said as she put the car in park and took her seatbelt off.

"Take a deep breath" Arthur told Spencer.

"Mmh" she nodded, closing her eyes. "I'm ok" she told herself. "I'm ok" she repeated.

She turned the car off, opened the door, and threw herself out of it.

"Spencer!" Arthur said shocked, getting out of the car and going around.

"I'm ok" she said through the snow in her face, throwing up her thumb.

Arthur pulled her up, sitting next to her.

"I thought I could do it" Spencer said softly as she played with the snow with her shoe.

"You did! It just takes time Spencer, you'll be great at it I know it" he replied.

"Thanks" she smiled, tears forming in her eyes.

"We can try again another time, let's go eat dinner" he pet her back and got up.

"I'm going to stay out here for a bit... I'll drive the car back" she nodded.

"Don't worry about the car" he replied. "Just come home safely" he nodded back.

She smiled as he left.

"That could've gone better" Emily said next to her.

"Mmh" Spencer replied before sighing.

"I'm sorry I came" Emily apologized. "I didn't know you'd be driving today" she added, avoiding her eyes.

"It's alright, I would've gotten anxious anyway" she nodded in response.

"Maybe" Emily responded. "Harry's coming, I'll see you later" Emily finished.

Spencer turned around and saw Harry making his way to her. She wiped the tears off her face.

"Hey kiddo" she smiled at him.

"Hi" he said, plopping down next to her.

"I told Arthur I would be right in" Spencer spoke.

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