95. I want you to live

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On the bus, Spencer stared at the view outside the window.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" an older woman who sat beside her asked.

Spencer took her forehead off the window, "oh, yes, sorry" she chuckled. "I forgot how long the ride was."

"No need to apologize" she smiled. "Going home?"

"Yeah" she nodded. "Just for the weekend."

"I'm sure your parents appreciate you visiting" she began crocheting again.

"Yeah," she nodded as she thought about the Weasley's, "they do" she smiled.

"I can never get my son to visit, he's always so busy!" she exclaimed. "But that's what happens when you grow up, I'm sure you know. I should set you two up, maybe that'll teach him."

Spencer laughed.

"He's 28" she answered. "Steady job, no drama, owns his own house" she winked.

She chuckled, "how old do you think I am?"

She set down her hooks, taking her appearance in.

"No younger than 25?"

"I'll tell you a secret," she got closer, "I'm eighteen."

"You're lying" she said wide eyed.

"Nope" Spencer shook her head.

"I'm so-"

"Don't apologize," Spencer laughed, "I get it all the time, it's a compliment" she smiled.

"I had an older boyfriend at your age" she said.

"Did you? Or are you trying to get me to date your son" she laughed.

"I did" she reminisced. "I loved him" she nodded.

"What happened?"

She gave Spencer a sad sigh, "I cared too much of what others thought, I was the reason why we didn't work out" she admitted.

"How is he now?"

"I don't know" she gave a sad shrug. "I never contacted him again."

"Do you regret it?"

"Yes and no" she answered. "I think that we would've led a wonderful life but at the same time if we did I never would've met my husband."

"Is he older than you?"

"He is" she laughed.

"How much older?"

"Hmm," she looked up at the ceiling, "yes, ten years" she nodded.

Spencer nodded.

"We met when I was nineteen, but we started dating when I was twenty five" she nodded.

"How did you two meet?"

She chuckled, "don't judge me, alright?"

Spencer nodded.

"He was my professors assistant in college" she smiled. "I loathed him, he was the charming guy every girl wanted a piece of- but I swore off men at the time. Then one day he recognized me at a grocery store but I had no idea who he was."

Spencer smiled.

"He asked me how I was doing and we ended up spending 15 minutes by the vegetable isle" she laughed. "Then he asked me out for tea and who am I to say no to free tea."

Spencer laughed as she nodded.

"One thing led to another and here we are" she smiled fondly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

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