5. Amore mio aiutami

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DADA was the only class Spencer seemed to have with the twins. It was going to be fun, but god she knew she would be getting in so much trouble. It seems like the staff finally figured out how to separate them this year. 

After Lupin's class, Spencer slowly packed and once everyone left his classroom she went up to him. 

"I'll see you at five Professor?" she asked. 

"Yes, I'll be here in my office" he looked at her and nodded. 

She walked out and felt a smile on her face. 

"Why are you so chipper love?" Fred said. 

"Oh please don't call me love, It's hard enough having to tolerate baby" she said laughingly. 

It wasn't true, she could handle him calling her love. But someone else had reserved the name for her. 

Someone special

"Oh... there's someone else I see" he replied with a sad tone. "Who dare take my Spencie baby away from me" he said as he took his wand out and pointed it to the sky. "I must fight this person to the ends of the earth. They will tremble when they hear the name Fred Weasley."

She laughed as he continued to go on and on about how he'll murder whoever the mystery person is. "No but seriously, who is it?" he asked sincerely. 

"There's no one Fred, I'm all yours. Now c'mon, I want to find the others."

They continued walking and caught up with Andrew, Melissa, and George. They were talking about trying out for the quidditch team. 

"Yeah I don't think I'll be doing that this year" Melissa spoke.

"Why's that Mel?" Spencer asked. 

"I don't know, I'm just rather focused on other things like becoming a Healer. I need to focus on my N.E.W.T.S and quidditch won't help."

As Melissa said this Spencer nodded and smiled as she said "Well, if you need help with anything I'm here."

"Same here" said Fred. 

"If anything Fred, you'd need help from us" replied Melissa. 

"Okay okay, I get it I'm not academically inclined big deal" he said. 

"Hey it's okay, we're here to help another out" Spencer said smiling at him. "Are you guys joining?" Spencer asked the twins. 

"Umm duh" George said. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't we Spence" Fred added. "Are you?" he asked Spencer. 

"Yeah, wouldn't hurt to try."

The group talked some more and then Hermione, Harry and Ron joined. 

"Hey, heard what happened? you okay?" asked George. 

"Yeah" Harry said as he nodded, but he wasn't okay. 

"What happened?" asked Spencer. 

"We did boggart's in Lupins class, wasn't really a good experience for him" answered Hermione.

"Dementor?" asked Spencer 

"Dementor" answered Harry.

She nodded as she threw an apologetic look at him. 

"Mr. Lupin had to step in front of him." Hermione added. 

"It's okay, I got to ride Buckbeak so I guess at least something good came out of today." 

She smiled at him, "Yeah I heard about that, how's that Malfoy boy. Dead, I hope?" she joked. 

"I wish" laughed Hermione "Hagrid took him to the infirmary, I think he just got scratched up." 

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