31. Fate or Destiny

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Spencer stood in her kitchen, water bottle in hand.

She felt... what was the right word?


She didn't know. The only thing she knew was she was sick to her stomach.

She took a deep breath and walked to her room.

She proceeded to take off her clothes and change.

Spencer looked at herself in the mirror, marks of where Remus had touched her earlier still present.

She put on one of his shirts and dragged herself to bed. All she could do was stare out her window.

It didn't change how she looked at him, she still... liked him.

It just made her realize how cruel the world really was.

He had hundreds of scars, meaning he's been a werewolf for a long time.

But how long?

And she understood why he wouldn't tell her.

She wouldn't like him to know her sad past anyway.

But she finally understood him, why he held himself a certain way, how he looked at himself.

She cursed herself at the stupid jokes she's made.

If only she had known.

"Don't blame yourself" Emily said next to her.

Spencer didn't bother to turn around.

"You couldn't have known" Emily added.

"My head hurts Em, please just don't" Spencer whispered.

"Okay" Emily said softly.

Slowly Spencer fell asleep to the smell of Remus on his shirt.

Remus on the other hand was worried since she didn't show up to dinner. She would've told him.

Maybe she just wasn't up for it because of earlier. It was... a lot.

Maybe she just needed sleep.

He overheard Hermione talking about how she wasn't feeling well and went to take a nap.

Fred and George looked at each other... almost full of guilt.

"Is she up for company?" Fred asked Hermione.

"I don't know" she shrugged. "You guys should just see her tomorrow" she replied.

Both of them nodded.

"Are you okay Remus?" someone beside him asked.

Remus turned around, "you're looking a bit... well I don't know the word" Kula laughed.

"Sorry I- Yes Madison I'm fine" he smiled. "Thank you" he added before taking a sip of his drink.

She nodded her head.

"How are your classes going?" she asked cutting into her chicken.

"They're going well, yeah... I get a lot of help" he nodded.

"Yes, Spencer?" she smiled.

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