148. I'm sorry

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Spencer had drank half the bottle of wine. Mason and her were not speaking.

She was at his place when his cousin suddenly arrived.

She felt awkward and decided it would be best for her to leave.

His cousin had bid her goodbye, Spencer awkwardly smiled back as Mason led her to her car.

"You could've said goodbye" he opened the door for her.

Her heart sank.

"It's important to me for you to take interest in my family, you know? Manners and all that."

"... I got nervous, that's all" she shrugged.

"Are you taking this seriously or not?"

She looked at him confused.

"Because sometimes it feels like you just don't want to be alone" he added.


He shook his head, "I'll call you later" he said before walking back to his door.

It had been five hours since then, it was six in the afternoon and he still hadn't called.

Hadn't texted.

So when she heard the doorbell ring, she couldn't really blame herself for jumping out of the couch and running toward it.

Opening the door, her eyes widened as she realized Mason wasn't there.

"Hey" Remus greeted.

"... hi."

"Is Andrew here?"


"I want to come in."

"Would you not if he was?" she asked.

"Is he?"


"Can I come in?"

She looked at him for a few moments before answering.

"Sure" she opened the door wider.

This was a mistake.

She was alone, sad, and angry.

Yet she still let him in.

"Can I offer you a glass of wine?" she asked.

"Oh- uhm, sure thanks" he nodded before he said down on the couch.

Spencer brought the glass, sitting next to him and pouring his wine.

She handed it off.

She brought her glass up to drink, before she could take a sip Remus extended his glass toward her.

A toast.

To what, she wasn't sure.

Their glasses clinked.

She spoke after a few moments of silence, "why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk, remember?"

"I don't want to, remember?"

"Yeah, so maybe I'll just be the one to talk? Is that okay?"

She shrugged.

Why was he there, sitting beside her.

He took another sip before placing his glass down.

"I want to talk about... that day, the day that I left" he spoke.

It was like something was stuck in her throat.

"I actually wrote everything I wanted to say, because I didn't want to forget anything" he said as he took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

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