32. Nice nails

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Remus slowly woke up and turned around, wanting to place his hand over Spencer. He tapped the bed a couple of times before opening his eyes and seeing she wasn't there. He heard soft music coming from the living room and smiled to himself.

He could hear Spencer humming softly to the melody. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair and finally got up from the bed. Remus stretched before exiting her room and walking into the living room.

He stood in between Spencer's door, looking at her.

She had a hand on her knee, the other grabbing the nail polish and painting her nails. Her shirt was on the table, she was only in a sports bra and shorts.

He leaned against the entrance and looked at her focusing. He realized that she was playing his records, he had brought some and left them here a while ago.

After a few moments he walked up to the couch and sat across from her.

"Are you going to take those shorts off too?" he said jokingly before kissing her cheek.

"'Morning love" she chuckled.

"Here let me" he said before grabbing the nail polish off her hand and painting her nails.

"You're surprisingly good at this" she giggled.

Remus smiled lightly, "how long have you been up?" he questioned.

"Not long," she answered, "got bored" she shrugged.

Remus nodded his head. He finished her hand and kissed it before letting it rest on her knee.

"So why did you take your shirt off?" he asked, setting the nail polish on the table.

"Somehow it always gets messy" she laughed, Remus chuckled at her response.

Spencer blew at her nails as Remus kept staring at the polish.

"Do you want me to paint yours?" she asked giggling.

It took a couple of moments for him to reply which made Spencer place her hand on his shoulder.

Remus looked up at her with a short smile, "sorry I- just thinking" he chuckled.

"You used to paint your nails?" Spencer asked.

"No I- well Sirius used to paint his" he said nodding and looking back at the black nail polish.

Spencer looked at Remus sadly, "here, give me your hand" she said reaching out for it.

She grabbed the polish and opened it.

"Wouldn't people think it's weird if both you and me are wearing black nail polish at the same time?" he joked.

"I'm not painting your nails silly," she laughed, "although if you don't oppose I would love to" she nudged him.

"I'll pass" he laughed.

Spencer grabbed his thumb and placed a small black dot on it. "So we can match without anyone knowing" she said before kissing his hand.

Remus smiled at her, "You always make the bad feelings go away" he said before kissing her.

Spencer smiled as she ran her hand through his hair, "so why black?" Remus asked sitting back.

"My sister and I used to paint them black all the time" she answered with a smile.

"You'd force me to match with you" Emily chimed in.

"Did not" Spencer replied.

"Did so" Emily laughed.

Remus looked at Spencer with a small smile, "what'd she say?" he asked.

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