114. You're also my friend

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Going from Mexico City to Orizaba, Veracruz was a four hour drive.

They were going to take the local bus, but it seemed that their driver is going to stick with them the entire trip.

Harry could not keep his eyes on his book, he kept staring out the window and admiring the mountains.

She wanted to tell him there are mountains by Hogwarts, but she understood the difference from those to these.

"You're going to get your head chopped off if you keep sticking it out of the window."

Harry laughed as he placed his head back in the car, "it's so pretty here."

"Fun fact, it's also called Pueblo Magico" she smiled.

"Magical town?"



"Over time they have maintained their original architecture, traditions, history and culture" she answered. "Plus most people here are very spiritual and believe in some form of magic" she added.

"That's so cool."

They arrived to Spencer's house, Harry's mouth opened widely as Roman drove into the property.

The gates opened by themselves, Spencer assumed there was a remote he had.

There was a short drive way, as they got closer Harry spoke.

"This is... huge" he said.

Spencer was speechless as Roman opened their door.

From the outside they could see there were two floors, probably an attic and a basement.

"It's so... wide?" she said.

"Really wide" Harry nodded.

"There's also a yard" Roman added. "And I guess this is a front yard?"

"What's the deal with security here?" she asked him.

"They usually stand behind the gate and don't come inside unless called for. There's a house phone you can use if you need help."

"You made it!" Sirius said walking out of the front door.

"Sirius" Harry said breathlessly, running up to him and giving him a big hug.

"Where should I leave the bags?"

"It's okay, you can leave them in living room. Thank you for driving us" she smiled.

"Like I said before, I'll be here until you leave" he nodded before heading to the trunk.

"Hey, V" Sirius hugged her.

"Hi, B" she hugged him back.

It seemed like a weight lifted off of her shoulders. Seeing him safe and sound warmed her heart.

He lifted her up and twirled around.

"I didn't know you were rich" he laughed as he put her down.

"I'm not" she shook her head. "Let's go inside" she reached for his hand and led them in.

"Wow" she said, barely a foot in the house.

"Wow" Harry repeated as he walked in. "He's rich rich."

The interior of the house was beige, there was a chandelier that hung on the ceiling and windows all around the living room.

She found that she rather liked the arch design that was in between rooms.

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